Define "Normal" Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Define "Normal" Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Tillie bake for the Dillon children?
(a) Double chocolate brownies.
(b) Cherry pie.
(c) Snickerdoodle cookies.
(d) Chocolate chip cookies.

2. What promise does Antonia's mom make to her after returning from the hospital?
(a) Antonia's mom promises to start going to church.
(b) Antonia's mom promises to move into a better house.
(c) Antonia's mom promises to make them steaks for dinner.
(d) Antonia's mom promises to pay back all the money she took out of Antonia's savings.

3. Why does Antonia think that she does not need to talk to Dr. DiLeo?
(a) Because Antonia hired a professional psychiatrist for herself.
(b) Because Antonia has Jazz to talk to.
(c) Because Antonia does not really like Dr. DiLeo.
(d) Because Antonia thinks she has nothing to talk about.

4. What does Antonia say about Jazz's parents?
(a) Antonia says Jazz's parents are ogres.
(b) Antonia says Jazz's parents are greedy.
(c) Antonia says Jazz's parents are wimps.
(d) Antonia says Jazz's parents are perfect.

5. What does Antonia think about the dress that Jazz is supposed to wear to the competition?
(a) She thinks Jazz should burn it.
(b) She decides they can re-fashion it to make it more like Jazz's style.
(c) She imagines that it would be prettier in green.
(d) She hopes Jazz will give it to her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What figure is the "head art" on Jazz's scalp?

2. How does Antonia feel when she finds out that Jazz was counseling her?

3. Antonia's mom gets a part-time job at what kind of establishment?

4. What does Mr. Luther do during the piano recital?

5. What does Antonia say about her foster parents when she jokes about them to Jazz?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the Abeytas and their importance to the story.

2. Explain Antonia's reaction to Karen.

3. Why does Jazz feel guilty about her friends hearing her play?

4. How does Antonia and her family get money to live on?

5. What was the last thing that Antonia's father said to her?

6. What do Antonia and Jazz decide to do to give Mrs. Bartoli a lesson on stereotyping?

7. Explain why Jazz never wants to play the polonaise again.

8. Explain why Antonia tells Jazz that her foster family are ugly, evil little gones who keep them locked up?

9. As nice as the Abeytas are, how does Antonia feel about staying at their house?

10. What does Jazz say about the definition of a dream?

(see the answer keys)

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