Define "Normal" Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Define "Normal" Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Antonia's math teacher tries to joke with Antonia when she turns in her homework. What does the teacher ask?
(a) "Did you write this in crayon?"
(b) "Your dog ate this, right?"
(c) "You didn't type it?"
(d) "You had to use yellow paper."

2. What is the weather like the night Antonia's family went missing?
(a) Warm and balmy.
(b) Snowing with blizzard conditions.
(c) Hot and humid.
(d) Cold with rain turning to sleet.

3. What activity did Antonia and her mother once try together?
(a) Trampoline-jumping.
(b) Synchronized swimming.
(c) Horseback-riding.
(d) Belly-dancing.

4. What is the name of the school psychologist?
(a) Mr. Carlton.
(b) Mr. Luther.
(c) Mr. Finch.
(d) Mr. DiLeo.

5. Where does Antonia find out that her mother and brother have gone?
(a) At a McDonald's restaurant with a big play place.
(b) At the all-night movie theatre at the mall.
(c) At an amusement park in the next county.
(d) At the Wayfarer Inn.

Short Answer Questions

1. Jazz comes up with a symbol to indicate when she is just kidding. What is that symbol?

2. When Antonia hands in her homework to her math teacher, why is she embarrassed?

3. What color lipstick does Jazz share with Antonia, swearing that it will come off?

4. According to Jazz, how do teachers feel about her?

5. What fruit does Jazz tell Antonia she looks like after their lesson?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Jazz call a death wish and how does she react to people who have one?

2. Why is it uncomfortable for Antonia when Mr. and Mrs. Luther are talking about what nice manners she has?

3. Why does Antonia feel overwhelmed when she returns home after her first day of peer counseling?

4. Why was Antonia embarrassed to hand her math homework in to Mrs. Bartoli?

5. Why does Jazz hate her mother?

6. What is Antonia's reaction to Jazz showing her the tattoo on her ankle?

7. Why is Mrs. Bartoli concerned about Antonia?

8. How does Jazz feel about her sister, Janey?

9. What is the significance of the blank sheet of paper that Antonia hands to Jazz?

10. Why does Antonia continue to counsel Jazz even after she has told Dr. DiLeo for the second time that she cannot do it?

(see the answer keys)

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