Defending Jacob Test | Final Test - Medium

William Landay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Defending Jacob Test | Final Test - Medium

William Landay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of medicine does Andy offer Laurie the night before Jacob's trial begins?
(a) Valium.
(b) Vicodin.
(c) Ambien.
(d) Soma.

2. Andy tells the reader that there are two juries--one in court, and one where?
(a) In people's heads.
(b) In the law libraries.
(c) On the other side of the television cameras.
(d) In prison.

3. What reason does Andy give for saying that Neal's shopping spree for new suits had been a mistake?
(a) Neal is concentrating on the wrong issues.
(b) The new suits are ill-fitting and wrinkled.
(c) Neal is sending the wrong message to the jury.
(d) Neal tends to preen in his new costumes.

4. On what device does Derek say Jacob reads and writes pornographic stories?
(a) His laptop.
(b) His iPod Touch.
(c) His tablet.
(d) His cell phone.

5. At what location does Dr. Vogel deliver her psychiatric diagnoses of Jacob?
(a) The Barbers' home.
(b) The courtroom.
(c) Klein's law office.
(d) Her office.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is NOT a rumor Ben had started about Jacob prior to Ben's murder?

2. What nickname does Matthew's mother call him?

3. Who is NOT determined to have the MAOA Knockout gene?

4. How long after the adjournment of court one day does Dr. Vogel meet with Jacob's parents to deliver her psychiatric diagnoses of Jacob?

5. In what area of the courtroom does Laurie sit each day during Jacob's trial?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does William Landay use a sailboat to create a simile about the timeline of a trial?

2. Describe the symptoms Andy describes as being associated with his "familiar battlefield euphoria" (243) going into Jacob's trial.

3. How does Andy get Patz's attention when he wants to talk to Patz?

4. What reason does Andy give for granting Dr. Vogel's request for a particular item?

5. When Andy loses his temper while testifying in front of the grand jury, Neal uses the episode as a way to comment on Andy's relationship with control. What does Neal say?

6. How does Andy characterize his friend Duffy's level of honesty?

7. How is foreshadowing utilized within the final passages of Chapter 29?

8. What element of Laurie does Andy say never ages?

9. Describe details about the mysterious car that Andy believes is following him at a certain point in the narrative.

10. How is Andy's capacity for violence demonstrated in his interaction with Matthew at Matthew's home?

(see the answer keys)

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