Defending Jacob Test | Final Test - Easy

William Landay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Defending Jacob Test | Final Test - Easy

William Landay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Andy states that on the first day of the trial, Neal had shown no signs of what sort of payback?
(a) Oedipal.
(b) Vengeful.
(c) Murderous.
(d) Violent.

2. In what area of the courtroom does Laurie sit each day during Jacob's trial?
(a) Right behind Andy on a bench.
(b) In the row of seats nearest the judge.
(c) In the last row at the back.
(d) Right behind Neal on a bench.

3. What nickname does Matthew's mother call him?
(a) Matston.
(b) Matty.
(c) Matriculation.
(d) Matter.

4. What is NOT a rumor Ben had started about Jacob prior to Ben's murder?
(a) Jacob offered to perform oral sex on a boy at a party.
(b) Jacob got an erection in the shower after track.
(c) Jacob was caught masturbating in the classroom during recess.
(d) Ben and Derek were lovers.

5. Dr. Vogel says that a person with Reactive Attachment Disorder must have had a disruption within what period of their life?
(a) Middle age.
(b) Early childhood.
(c) Adolescence.
(d) Prior to puberty.

6. What are the only types of visits allowed at the prison where Andy's father is housed?
(a) Supervised visits.
(b) Five-minute visits.
(c) Conjugal visits.
(d) No-contact visits.

7. Andy tells the reader that by the time of his visit to Derek's house, Laurie had lost so much weight that what?
(a) Her face looked hollow.
(b) Her hip bones protruded.
(c) Her eyes were sunken.
(d) Her spine was visible.

8. Andy tells Matthew that the age of consent in Massachusetts is what age?
(a) 15.
(b) 16.
(c) 14.
(d) 18.

9. What reason does David provide to Andy when he tells Andy he cannot come in?
(a) Andy is putting his job in danger.
(b) David is feeling violent.
(c) David and his family are on the witness list.
(d) Derek is ready to call the police.

10. On what device does Derek say Jacob reads and writes pornographic stories?
(a) His cell phone.
(b) His iPod Touch.
(c) His laptop.
(d) His tablet.

11. What is the nickname of Andy's biological father?
(a) Bloody Bobby Barber.
(b) Jealous Jeffrey Barber.
(c) Bloody Billy Barber.
(d) Bestial Billy Barber.

12. Dr. Vogel pronounces that Jacob's what is not "at the same level as his peers" (295)?
(a) Psychological health.
(b) Set of scruples.
(c) Emotional maturity.
(d) Moral compass.

13. About how long does it take the first witness at Jacob's trial to testify?
(a) 30 minutes.
(b) An hour.
(c) 90 minutes.
(d) 20 minutes.

14. To whom does Sarah suggest Andy speak?
(a) Duffy.
(b) Patz.
(c) Matthew.
(d) Derek.

15. In what prison is Andy's father being held?
(a) San Quentin Correctional Institution.
(b) Walla Walla State Prison.
(c) Sing Sing Correctional Institution.
(d) Northern Correctional Institution.

Short Answer Questions

1. In addition to the 12 jurors chosen for the jury, how many alternates are chosen?

2. Sarah tells Andy that she bets Andy had had a really good what?

3. Police reports filed at the time of the incident describe an assault taking place against Matthew at what location?

4. What form of physical contact does Andy initiate with Matthew to get him to talk?

5. After telling Andy never to come back to his home, David makes one last comment to Andy. What is it?

(see the answer keys)

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