The Deerslayer Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Deerslayer Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Deerslayer's attitude as he says farewell to his friends before returning to the Iroquois?
(a) He is angry that he will die because of Hutter.
(b) He is resigned to dying.
(c) He is planning to fight hard for his life.
(d) He is scared of a painful death.

2. After refusing the Iroquois woman for the last time, what preparations are made?
(a) For a war dance
(b) For a raid on Muskrat Castle
(c) For taking Deerslayer's scalp
(d) For Deerslayer's torture

3. What promise does Chingachgook make to Deerslayer?
(a) That he will bury him in the hills if he does not survive.
(b) That he will take Judith and Hetty to the Delaware.
(c) That he will go with him to the Iroquois.
(d) That he will not return to the Delaware until he knows what happens with his friend.

4. What happens in the second phase?
(a) They tie him to a tree and allow the squaws and children to throw rocks at him.
(b) They make him run through a gauntlet.
(c) Instead of tomahawks, they use rifles and shoot as close as possible to Deerslayer's head.
(d) They hang Deerslayer up by putting pins in his chest and attaching ropes to those.

5. Why will Deerslayer not take the chance to flee?
(a) He knows it is futile.
(b) There are Iroquois posted all around the lake.
(c) He fears the Iroquois will kill Judith and Hetty if he does not return.
(d) He must keep his word to Ravenoak.

Short Answer Questions

1. What scares the two women as they are leaving their hiding place along the shore?

2. What is the first phase of Deerslayer's torture?

3. After they talk for a long time, what do Hetty and Judith do?

4. Why does he have to lie down in the canoe?

5. How do they manage to rescue Harry?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Deerslayer and Chingachgook learn when they return fifteen years later?

2. What causes Harry to have a change of mind about taking scalps?

3. Why is Hetty allowed to take Deerslayer back to the Indians?

4. Why does Deerslayer not get away from the Iroquois?

5. Ravenoak admires Deerslayer's courage and offers him his freedom under what condition?

6. What do the girls learn from Hutter as he speaks to them from his deathbed?

7. Where is the canoe that brought Hetty to shore hidden from view?

8. What brings the entire tribe to want him tortured and killed?

9. What unusual thing happens while Judith and Hetty are in the canoe?

10. What do Deerslayer and Judith find in the old chest?

(see the answer keys)

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