Deep Six Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Deep Six Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did she think was happening at first?
(a) She knew exactly what was going on.
(b) She was hallucinating.
(c) She was having a bad dream.
(d) She was the victim of a prank.

2. Who else, other than the constituents and Congressmen, doesn't want food in Russia?
(a) The Turkish.
(b) The Russians themselves.
(c) The Yugoslavians.
(d) The Egyptian.

3. Which two posts are supposed to keep a sharp watch on the river?
(a) Six and Seven.
(b) Four and Five.
(c) Five and Six.
(d) Eight and Nine.

4. What word(s) signaled to Lucas that double talk was being dropped?
(a) Buy in.
(b) Honest abe.
(c) Game over.
(d) Amen.

5. How many hours ahead of schedule had Pitt found the nerve agent?
(a) Thirty eight hours.
(b) Thirty two hours.
(c) Thirty six hours.
(d) Twenty four.

6. What is the name of the vessel boarded in the prelude?
(a) The Revenge.
(b) The Conquest.
(c) The Pilottown.
(d) The H.M.S Pinafore.

7. What was the actual name of the girl?
(a) Arta Casilighio.
(b) Amie Casiligio.
(c) Arita Casilighio.
(d) Anita Casilighio.

8. How deep is the well in which the army wants to dispose of the Nerve agent?
(a) Twelve thousand feet.
(b) Eight thousand feet.
(c) Two thousand feet.
(d) Four thousand feet.

9. What sound was heard through the thick fog?
(a) A owl's shriek.
(b) A low level engine.
(c) A dog barking.
(d) A seagull.

10. For how much does the finest blend of Chinese herbs sell?
(a) A hundred dollars an ounce.
(b) A hundred dollars a pound.
(c) A hundred dollars a gram.
(d) Two thousand dollars a pound.

11. What ship was the boiler registered as going into?
(a) The Pilottown.
(b) The Marianne.
(c) The Tempest.
(d) The San Marino.

12. Which post is missing a man?
(a) Post six.
(b) Post seven.
(c) Post four.
(d) Post eight.

13. What ship is nicknamed the Magic Ship?
(a) The Pilottown.
(b) The Marie Sue.
(c) The Eagle.
(d) The Catawba.

14. What post was Aiken on?
(a) Three.
(b) Six.
(c) Five.
(d) Four.

15. How many years prior had the 'plan' been conceived?
(a) Eight years.
(b) Six years.
(c) Four years.
(d) Seven years.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where would Lee rather be?

2. Who is 'Shakespeare'?

3. How potent is this compound?

4. Who was the only person dressed in a suit?

5. Who did Julie Mendoza meet first aboard the NUMA vessel?

(see the answer keys)

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