Deep River Test | Final Test - Medium

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Deep River Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mitsuko offer to do for Kiguchi in Chapter 8?
(a) Call his daughter.
(b) Take pictures of the rest of the trip for him.
(c) Travel back to Japan with him.
(d) Stay with him in the hospital.

2. Who does Mitsuko learn is also staying in the city where she is?
(a) Her aunt.
(b) Numada.
(c) Her sister.
(d) A well-known Baba.

3. In Chapter 8, how many of the tourists decide to stay in the city rather than going on with the bus?
(a) 3.
(b) 8.
(c) 1.
(d) 6.

4. Why does Tsu leave Mitsuko after a short time of visiting in Chapter 10?
(a) He has to go to Mass.
(b) He has to be up early.
(c) He is meeting his fiancé later.
(d) He has nothing else to say to her.

5. Why does Tsu wear the type of clothing he does in Chapter 10?
(a) So he can remind himself of his heritage.
(b) So he can carry the indigent dying.
(c) So he can fit into the Indian culture.
(d) So he is not detained by immigration.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why are the Sanjas annoyed with the other tourists at the hotel?

2. Where does Tsu take the indigent dead in Chapter 10?

3. What is Isobe doing when Mitsuko and Numada return to the hotel in Chapter 9?

4. What was Tsu doing at the river in Chapter 8?

5. What does Mitsuko promise to do while Enami goes for the doctor?

Short Essay Questions

1. What has Kiguchi read recently about good and evil?

2. What does Isobe think about the fortuneteller he visits in Chapter 9?

3. Why does Tsu leave Mitsuko after talking briefly with her?

4. How does Mitsuko feel as she joins the Hindus in a prayer at the river?

5. What does Tsu tell Mitsuko as to why he dresses as he does?

6. What did the Catholic priests tell Tsu he should do if he believed Gandhi's quote, and what does Tsu do?

7. What do Mitsuko and Numada witness, and what are Mitsuko's feelings about the event?

8. What does Isobe think as he throws his empty bottle into the river in Chapter 10?

9. What does Tsu feel he is doing when he carries an old, dying woman to the river?

10. Where is Tsu staying in Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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