Deep River Test | Final Test - Easy

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Deep River Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is wrong with the man Mitsuko accidentally steps on in Chapter 8?
(a) He is drunk.
(b) He is legless.
(c) He is blind.
(d) He is faint from hunger.

2. What does the doctor do when he arrives in Chapter 8?
(a) Says Mr. Sanja will need rabies shots.
(b) Says Mitsuko is having a miscarriage.
(c) Gives Kiguchi a shot and draws blood.
(d) Wraps Mrs. Sanja's ankle.

3. Who is carried off on a stretcher in Chapter 13?
(a) Mr. Sanja.
(b) Tsu.
(c) Mitsuko.
(d) Mrs. Sanja.

4. Why does Tsu wear the type of clothing he does in Chapter 10?
(a) So he can remind himself of his heritage.
(b) So he is not detained by immigration.
(c) So he can carry the indigent dying.
(d) So he can fit into the Indian culture.

5. Where does Mitsuko go to look for Tsu in Chapter 8 after not finding him at the river?
(a) The Catholic church.
(b) A hotel nearby.
(c) A boardinghouse.
(d) A Buddhist temple.

6. What type of clothes does Tsu wear in Chapter 10?
(a) Clothes that an outcast would wear.
(b) Robes like a Buddhist monk.
(c) Traditional Japanese robes.
(d) Western garb.

7. How does Tsu feel about Jesus?
(a) Enthralled.
(b) Fearful.
(c) Mildly interested in Jesus.
(d) Dubious as to all the claims about him.

8. In spite of what did Onion love his disciples?
(a) Their tendency to wander from him when he needed them the most.
(b) Their betrayal and denial.
(c) Their tendency to be non-compassionate to others.
(d) Their tendency to think too highly of themselves.

9. What does Enami tell Mitsuko and the others when he phones them concerning Ghandi?
(a) That unless the high court holds up the impeachment, no problems are anticipated.
(b) That nothing is likely to happen unless she dies of the illness.
(c) They should be careful outside of their motel.
(d) That he has arranged a bus to come get them and take them to a safer location.

10. What part did the Sikhs on Gandhi's security detail have in the events of the day in Chapter 9?
(a) One of them brought the illness back from a trip to Africa.
(b) They are the ones who kill her.
(c) They guarded all the polls.
(d) They started the discontent that led to the impeachment.

11. In Chapter 9, when does Enami say he will see the group that stayed back in the city?
(a) It will be at least four days.
(b) In three days.
(c) The next day.
(d) He will be unable to return, but is sending someone else.

12. Who does Mitsuko learn is also staying in the city where she is?
(a) Her sister.
(b) A well-known Baba.
(c) Her aunt.
(d) Numada.

13. On what plan has Kuguchi not followed through, as described in Chapter 12?
(a) To immerse in the Ganges.
(b) To write his brother and ask forgiveness.
(c) To write a poem for Gaston.
(d) To hold a Buddhist service.

14. What does Numada have with him in the taxi in Chapter 12?
(a) Nothing.
(b) The myna bird.
(c) A suitcase of letters.
(d) A picture of each of his beloved animals.

15. What illness did Kiguchi have in the Army?
(a) T.B.
(b) Malaria.
(c) Typhoid fever.
(d) Staph.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what does Tsu dream when he goes to sleep in Chapteter 11?

2. What does Tsu feel about the quote he reads in Chapter 11?

3. Who is Rajini?

4. To what does Tsu compare the Ganges?

5. What character in the Bible is present in Tsu's dream in Chapter 11?

(see the answer keys)

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