Deep River Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Deep River Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For what does Isobe say he is searching in Chapter 6?
(a) Answers.
(b) The reincarnated soul of his deceased wife.
(c) Peace.
(d) Someone to prove that the soul lives after death.

2. Who comforts Numada when his parents are going through the process of a divorce?
(a) His best friend whose parents are already divorced.
(b) His favorite teacher at school.
(c) His older sister.
(d) His dog.

3. What instrument does Tsu play?
(a) Piano.
(b) Violin.
(c) Sitar.
(d) Flute.

4. Who are the Sanja's?
(a) Two brothers on the tour.
(b) Two elderly sisters on the tour.
(c) An elderly woman and her son.
(d) A couple on their honeymoon.

5. Who stays with Kiguchi in the jungle?
(a) Just Tsukada.
(b) A squad of bomb experts.
(c) Three of his still-living squad members.
(d) No one.

6. What is Enami's role in the group?
(a) Tourist.
(b) Guide.
(c) Driver.
(d) Mechanic.

7. What is the Kultur Heim?
(a) A football stadium.
(b) A hospital.
(c) A chapel.
(d) An Indian restaurant.

8. Where are Kiguchi and Enami when Chapter 5 opens?
(a) On a train.
(b) In a restaurant.
(c) At the beach.
(d) On a plane.

9. What is the nationality of the tourists on the bus in Chapter 6?
(a) Chinese.
(b) Korean.
(c) A mixture of European, Japanese and American.
(d) Japanese.

10. How is Tsu described in Chapter 3?
(a) Awkward and religious.
(b) Arrogant.
(c) Vivacious and talkative.
(d) Athletic and strong.

11. What does Numada ask about the existence of in the area where they are?
(a) Laws preventing child labor.
(b) Animal and bird sanctuaries.
(c) Laws prohibiting other religions.
(d) Museums.

12. What does Tsu write in his letters to Mitsuko that she reads when awakened in the middle of the night?
(a) His loss of faith.
(b) His desire for her to come to him.
(c) His hope that he will someday know who he is.
(d) His belief in God.

13. What does Enami become irritated about concerning the Sanja's in Chapter 6?
(a) They refuse to buy anything from the local merchants.
(b) They keep asking the bus to stop for pictures.
(c) Their condescending attitude towards India and Hinduism.
(d) They tip poorly every time they have a meal.

14. About what does Kiguchi think about when the tourists are driven through the jungle in Chapter 6?
(a) His last trip to Vietnam.
(b) An Indian girl he once fell in love with.
(c) His war experience in Burma.
(d) The jungles near his home.

15. What do the Sanja's ask Numada to do in Chapter 6?
(a) Show them the gardens.
(b) Help them mail a package.
(c) Take their picture.
(d) Sit at their table.

Short Answer Questions

1. What group of people does Gaston tell Tsukada about after Tsukada make a confession to Gaston?

2. What happened in the forests the tourists traveled through when the British were still in charge in India?

3. What voices does Numada say he has sensed in India?

4. What does Keiko urge Isobe to do as she comes out of a coma for a minute?

5. What does Isobe wonder about as he sits in his hotel room in Chapter 7?

(see the answer keys)

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