Decline and Fall Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Decline and Fall Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, Chapter 5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Dr. Fagan feels that Lady Circumference
(a) Does not understand black people.
(b) Does not understand a track meet.
(c) Thinks fox hunting is the only sport.
(d) Lumps all athletics into one category.

2. Llanabba has a reputation for being
(a) Mediocre, at most.
(b) Academically sound.
(c) Academically remarkable.
(d) A great institution.

3. During the conversation at Mrs. Roberts', Paul realizes
(a) He has been drinking far too much.
(b) He may be in love with Mrs. Beste-Chetwynde.
(c) He has fallen behind in his teaching.
(d) He may be in love with Lady Circumference.

4. Paul Pennyfeather's parents are
(a) Deceased.
(b) Part of the Scone faculty.
(c) Prosperous solicitors.
(d) Very supportive.

5. While riding through the English countryside toward Kings Thursday, Paul has
(a) A short nap.
(b) Some trepidation.
(c) A transcendent moment.
(d) A stomach ache.

Short Answer Questions

1. The author wants us to deduce that Otto Silenus is

2. Dr. Fagan's attitude toward Grimes is

3. Philbrick warns Paul that Margot may be in trouble with

4. What does Paul do that gets him expelled?

5. Paul's primary goal in his new classroom is

(see the answer key)

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