Deception Point Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Deception Point Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the Delta Force planning to do to a prominent American official when boarding a Kiowa helicopter?
(a) Hide the official.
(b) Assassinate the official.
(c) Kidnap the official.
(d) Protect the official.

2. Who finds Rachel's fax about the meteorite hoax in Chapter 125?
(a) Gabrielle.
(b) Pickering.
(c) The president.
(d) Senator Sexton.

3. Who first sees that Rachel has been shot on the Goya?
(a) The president.
(b) Her father.
(c) Michael.
(d) Corky.

4. Where does Rachel go to prepare the proof of the meteorite conspiracy on the Goya?
(a) The basement.
(b) The kitchen.
(c) The laboratory.
(d) The captain's room.

5. Where does a bullet graze Rachel when the Delta Force begin shooting the people on the Goya?
(a) Her arm.
(b) The neck.
(c) The back.
(d) Her leg.

6. The president of what organization visits Senator Sexton in Chapter 76?
(a) Mexico.
(b) The USA.
(c) The Space Frontier Federation.
(d) The IRS.

7. What does Gabrielle find a coincidence regarding a meteor suddenly appearing while talking with Chris Harper at NASA?
(a) That is would be discovered twice in the same week.
(b) That it would exist.
(c) That it had a fossil.
(d) That someone could find it in the ocean.

8. What does Delta Three instruct the helicopter to do after he is captured on the Goya?
(a) He says nothing.
(b) To fall back.
(c) To keep going.
(d) To stop.

9. Who is the political official that the Delta Force assassinated at the FDR Memorial?
(a) Marjorie Tench.
(b) William Pickering.
(c) The president.
(d) Senator Sexton.

10. What is Rachel nervous about when she gets into the helicopter?
(a) Flying over open water.
(b) Kissing Michael.
(c) Meeting the president.
(d) The height of the helicopter.

11. Who is quickly eaten by sharks after the cable for the Triton is cut on the Goya?
(a) The controller.
(b) Delta Two.
(c) Delta One.
(d) Delta Three.

12. Who is skeptical about Gabrielle being able to get into NASA in Chapter 81?
(a) Senator Sedgwick.
(b) Rachel.
(c) Yolanda.
(d) The president.

13. What does the ECE stand for?
(a) Exceller coast engine.
(b) Expander cycle engine.
(c) Expander coast engine.
(d) Exit crash engine.

14. Whose machine gun goes overboard after boarding the Goya?
(a) The controller's.
(b) Delta One's.
(c) Delta Three's.
(d) Delta Two's.

15. What does Xavia say was wrong with Michael's documentary regarding the meteorite?
(a) The nickel content.
(b) The salinity.
(c) The chondrules.
(d) The outer crust.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Michael say is the name of the cyclone of warm water that is under the Goya?

2. What time frame does the Delta Force reveal that the meteorite was inserted into the Milne Ice Shelf after their assassination of a political official?

3. Who does the president recall attempted to help him by exposing Senator Sexton's affair months before but that he refused?

4. How many people are dropped onto the Goya from the Kiowa helicopter?

5. Who holds a press conference at the beginning of Chapter 131?

(see the answer keys)

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