Debt of Honor Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Debt of Honor Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What targets do the Comanche helicopters destroy in Japan?

2. How are the members of Japanese consulates deceived as part of Ryan's military operation?

3. What causes equipment and glass panes to break on some of Chandraskatta's destroyers?

4. How are the three Comanche helicopters refueled over the Pacific?

5. How are the Rangers inserted in Japan?

Short Essay Questions

1. What measures are taken to prevent further crisis in the U.S. markets? Why are these measures somewhat ineffective?

2. How does the U.S. cause India to capitulate?

3. What resources do the Defense Department and the Pentagon determine will be available to fight the Japanese?

4. What is the outcome of Ryan's plan for saving the U.S. and European economies?

5. How are the Japanese air defenses destroyed?

6. How is Chris Cook's betrayal discovered?

7. What does Isamu Kimura agree to help the U.S. and the Russians with? How is he convinced of the rightness of his actions?

8. Explain Ryan's plan for saving the U.S. and European economies.

9. What troubling things does JAL pilot Torajiro Sato witness?

10. How does Nomuri react to being asked to leave the intelligence "game"?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Many characters in this novel are driven by a strong sense of duty towards their profession of their nation. These motivations are usually helpful, but cause problems for a few characters, and certainly cause many to expose themselves to more risk than they otherwise might.

Part 1) Explain Jack Ryan's sense of duty to his country. What responsibilities and risks does Ryan take in service to his country? Describe the personalities and behaviors of some other characters with similar senses of duty.

Part 2) Discuss the behaviors of characters who lack a real sense of duty. What ultimately happens to these characters? Do they generally occupy positions of great responsibility? What conclusions can be drawn from the differences between these people and characters more similar to Jack Ryan?

Part 3) Explain how Yamata's sense of duty affects his decisions. In the end, is Yamata true to his duty? How and why does this character trait negatively affect Yamata?

Essay Topic 2

Negotiations between Japan and the U.S. take place for almost the entire duration of the conflict between these nations. The U.S. wishes to avoid war without compromising itself, and Japan for the most part seeks to gain time to further its own military goals.

Part 1) Summarize the negotiations that occur in the novel. Who are the participating nations, and what are their goals? What resolutions result from these negotiations?

Part 2) Discuss some of the overt techniques used in these negotiations, such as compromise, discussion, and threats.

Part 3) Explain some of the covert techniques used in these negotiations, such as spying, intelligence gathering, bribery, and blackmail.

Use examples and quotes from the book to support your conclusions.

Essay Topic 3

Yamata has a grudge against the U.S. that demands action. He forms a far-reaching plan that takes years to come to total fruition. Yamata is a brilliant strategist and will apparently stop at nothing to crush the United States. His plan effectively throws the U.S. into multiple crises at once, from which they only just manage to escape.

Part 1) Explain Yamata's specific intent with his multiple-front plan. How does he hope to bring the U.S. to its knees?

Part 2) Discuss how Yamata sows the seeds of his plans long ahead of time. What other preparations does he make?

Part 3) Describe Yamata's plan in specific detail. How is it executed in practice?

Part 4) Use specific examples to explain how Yamata deals with random emergent events and either succeeds or fails to use them to his advantage.

Part 5) Discuss the success Yamata's plan.

Provide support for your conclusions with quotes from the novel.

(see the answer keys)

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