Debt of Honor Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Debt of Honor Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ryan do with Cook after their initial meetings?
(a) He promotes him.
(b) He fires him.
(c) He becomes good friends with him.
(d) He places surveillance on him.

2. What does Durling insist on as a term in the negotiations with Japan?
(a) Japan must disarm its military.
(b) Japan must disarm its nuclear weapons.
(c) Japan must return the Marianas.
(d) Japan must admit to war crimes in violation of the Geneva Convention.

3. What does Ryan believe Japan's ultimate goal is?
(a) Resource independence.
(b) Reparations for WWII.
(c) Hegemony over all of Asia.
(d) Occupation of all U.S. islands.

4. What is the Defense Department's assessment of U.S. military capabilities?
(a) The U.S. will lose a naval war against Japan.
(b) A forced entry assault is not feasible.
(c) The U.S. cannot match Japanese airpower.
(d) Any offensive actions are impossible.

5. An airbase on which island is important to the U.S. strategy that Ryan and the others develop?
(a) Midway.
(b) Okinawa.
(c) Hawaii.
(d) Saipan.

6. What does Yamata order the Japanese carriers in the Marianas to do?
(a) Hold their positions at all costs.
(b) Destroy the Stennis.
(c) Retreat and defend the home islands.
(d) Bomb the civilian population.

7. What distraction is created in order to cover the three Comanche helicopters?
(a) Fighter planes from Alaska.
(b) A radio-decoy fleet.
(c) Russian military exercises near Korea.
(d) Radio chaff.

8. While Ryan's operation is planned, how do Clark and Chavez destroy their target?
(a) Sabotage.
(b) With the new light-ray weapon.
(c) Gunfire.
(d) Small plastic explosives.

9. What instructions is Rear Admiral Jackson given as part of Ryan's military operation?
(a) He should hunt and engage enemy submarines.
(b) He should target Japanese radar sites.
(c) He should use specific islands for flight operations.
(d) He should avoid enemy contact at all costs.

10. Ryan devises a plan to save the U.S. economy after remembering something that which of the following people often says?
(a) Murray.
(b) Golovko.
(c) His wife.
(d) Durling.

11. What causes equipment and glass panes to break on some of Chandraskatta's destroyers?
(a) A sudden storm.
(b) An unexplained explosion.
(c) Sonic booms from low-flying U.S. aircraft.
(d) Warning shots from U.S. ships.

12. Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages that the five submarines used to monitor Japanese naval movements have?
(a) They can easily detect other ships.
(b) They have advanced and accurate torpedoes.
(c) They are faster than most surface ships.
(d) They are difficult to detect.

13. Why does Yamata arrange for Koga to be kidnapped?
(a) He fears Koga is up to something.
(b) He has discovered the U.S. is in contact with him.
(c) He retains a personal vendetta against Koga.
(d) In order to use him as a hostage.

14. What does Russia do to help find the Japanese nuclear weapons?
(a) It sends agents directly to Saipan.
(b) It funnels information and resources to Clark and Chavez.
(c) It activates all of its agents in the Japanese government.
(d) It flies over Saipan with spy planes.

15. How are the Rangers inserted in Japan?
(a) They arrive by airliner as tourists.
(b) They land amphibiously at night.
(c) They arrive in a sealed cargo container.
(d) They parachute into a remote location.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens the Monday after the US economic collapse in European markets?

2. What vehicles are sent along with military personnel to an air base in Russia?

3. How are the three Comanche helicopters refueled over the Pacific?

4. What does Jack Ryan determine about Japanese nuclear capabilities?

5. What does Boris Scherenko agree to do?

(see the answer keys)

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