Debt of Honor Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Debt of Honor Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what way has Searls modified his program at Yamata's instruction?
(a) He turned it into a virus.
(b) He added a "destruction device" to it.
(c) He made it undetectable.
(d) He encrypted its source code.

2. What development occurs in the FBI investigation on Vice-President Kealty shortly after the NTSB investigation?
(a) Kealty flees the country.
(b) The FBI drops the case.
(c) The FBI amasses enough evidence to arrest him.
(d) President Durling grants him a pardon.

3. What is the first step in Yamata's plan for responding to the Trade Reform Act?
(a) To organize a boycott of American goods.
(b) To topple the current government.
(c) To cut off all trade with America.
(d) To call for a tariff on American goods.

4. Which of the following most accurately describe Goto?
(a) He is weak and unethical.
(b) He is unliked and pragmatic.
(c) He is stubborn and aggressive.
(d) He is cautious and timid.

5. When he arrives in America, Durling agrees to an urgent request for a meeting by whom?
(a) The Joint Chiefs of Staff.
(b) The Japanese ambassador.
(c) Pentagon officials.
(d) Jack Ryan.

6. What goes wrong in the process to create rust-resistant tanks?
(a) Welding flux contaminates the surface.
(b) A unknown chemical is added.
(c) The solution is never applied.
(d) A dipping-solution is calibrated incorrectly.

7. What is Ryan's relationship with Sergey Golovko?
(a) They are former adversaries.
(b) They are distant cousins.
(c) They are war buddies.
(d) They are old friends.

8. What does the commander of U.S. Navy forces in the Indian Ocean believe about the Indian Navy?
(a) They have nuclear-armed subs.
(b) They are preparing to attack U.S. forces.
(c) They are preparing to invade Sri Lanka.
(d) Their strength is vastly over-estimated.

9. What are Clark and Chavez ordered to do just as Kimberly Norton gets killed?
(a) Get her to safety.
(b) Bring her into their spy ring.
(c) Get information from her.
(d) Give her vital information on Goto.

10. What precipitates the decline of U.S. financial and blue-chip stocks?
(a) The sale of Asian owned Treasury notes.
(b) European purchase of U.S. Treasury notes.
(c) The failure of the U.S. auto industry.
(d) The bankruptcy of Citibank.

11. What does Yamata do with the Columbus Investment Group?
(a) He causes its stock to plummet.
(b) He secretly bankrupts it.
(c) He buys it in a hostile takeover.
(d) He purchases controlling shares.

12. The war games principally involve what type of forces?
(a) Air.
(b) Amphibious.
(c) Naval.
(d) Ground.

13. According to the Japanese police, what is Kimberly Norton's cause of death?
(a) Asphyxiation.
(b) Gang violence.
(c) Drowning.
(d) Drug overdose.

14. What does Yamata discover about the Durling administration soon after Ryan and the U.S. President go to Moscow?
(a) Murray is embezzling national defense funds.
(b) Kealty accepted a large bribe.
(c) Kealty is in legal trouble with the FBI.
(d) Durling is concealing U.S. military operations.

15. What does NTSB conclude about the cause of explosions during the Cresta accidents?
(a) The accidents were caused by fuel-tank rusting from normal wear and tear.
(b) The accidents were caused by faulty spark-plugs.
(c) The accidents were caused by sabotage.
(d) The accidents were caused by improperly treated and corroded steel.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who leads the push for the Trade Reform Act?

2. What is the American reception of the new Crestas?

3. What causes the Diet to render a no-confidence vote against Koga, the prime minister of Japan?

4. What is Cook promised in exchange for his cooperation?

5. What is Ron Jones' position in the U.S. Navy?

(see the answer keys)

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