Debt of Bones Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Debt of Bones Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old does Abby say that her daughter is, and she is still a prisoner of the D'Haran in the story?
(a) Ten.
(b) Five.
(c) Nine.
(d) Four.

2. It is said that the ___________ of a sorceress is a ____________ of all sorceresses.
(a) Daughter;maiden.
(b) Bone carrier; daughter.
(c) Maiden; daughter.
(d) Daughter;daughter.

3. The touch of the ___________ on some of the guards of the D'Haran has given valuable information to the opposing side.
(a) Wizard.
(b) Soldiers.
(c) Mord-Sith.
(d) Confessor.

4. What does Abby show to the woman in order to encourage her to allow her to see Wizard Zoorander, as requested?
(a) Her bone.
(b) Her mother's collar.
(c) Her money pouch.
(d) Her jug.

5. What is the name of Abby's daughter, as she reveals when talking to the Mother Confessor?
(a) Juliana.
(b) Brigid.
(c) Jana.
(d) Tera.

Short Answer Questions

1. The outer circle of the Grace symbol symbolizes the ___________ of the infinity of the spirit world out beyond.

2. How could the First Wizard know that the bone Abby carries is a real debt to be paid to her?

3. The sorceress reminds the people who want to see the First Wizard that he has also been named the wind of _________.

4. Who is Abby not afraid would talk to her as she waits to see the First Wizard?

5. How did the air in the Keep feel once Abby and the others had entered it after the line began to move?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Abby know that the woman who opens up the gate is a sorceress, even before the old woman tells her?

2. What does the sorcerer tell the people about a request that is denied by the wizard when it is asked?

3. Who is fighting the current war during the story in which Abby is a central figure to the action?

4. What is Mariska's response when Abby shares with her that the First Wizard will not help her?

5. What was the opinion of Thomas when he saw what the First Wizard was doing with the Grace symbol drawing?

6. Why is Abby standing at the wall of the Keep in the beginning of the story?

7. What happens to the magic that is sent to a Mord-Sith in order to kill or to hurt them?

8. What does the Grace symbol stand for, according to the story as told in the book?

9. Why doesn't the old woman begin to say something to the nobleman about his rudeness?

10. Who decides that they will see the First Wizard on the behalf of Abby since she has pleaded her case?

(see the answer keys)

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