Death in Venice Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death in Venice Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part Two, Aschenbach no longer feels _____ with his work.
(a) Frustrated.
(b) Proud.
(c) Exhausted.
(d) Satisfied.

2. Lately, Aschenbach has had a difficult time _________.
(a) Eating.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Drinking.
(d) Reading.

3. Aschenbach prides himself most on his _________.
(a) Charisma.
(b) Dignity.
(c) Personality.
(d) Good looks.

4. When did Aschenbach achieve fame?
(a) When he was young.
(b) Not yet, but he will.
(c) Only recently.
(d) Never.

5. What type of school did Aschenbach attend?
(a) Catholic school.
(b) Boarding school.
(c) Homeschooling.
(d) Military school.

Short Answer Questions

1. Aschenbach's work ethic could be called _________.

2. Usually Aschenbach feels ________ at his summer house.

3. What is the cause of Aschenbach's sickness?

4. What did Aschenbach want but never get?

5. What happens in Aschenbach's daydream?

Short Essay Questions

1. Does Aschenbach look at Tadzio analytically or with glorification?

2. What does Aschenbach believe is heroic? How does this aid his writing?

3. How does the gondola play into the series of deathlike images and foreshadowing?

4. List a few adjectives that describe Aschenbach's mindset and philosophy on work ethic.

5. How does Aschenbach's new look make him similar to the Old Fop?

6. What does Aschenbach's reluctance of his daydream say about the strength his usual mind-set has over him? What does this hold for the future?

7. In Aschenbach's mind, Tadzio beckons Aschenbach to the water before Aschenbach dies. What does this say about Tadzio's real purpose?

8. How much of Part One is either unspoken or indirect direction?

9. How does Aschenbach see Tadzio? What does he compare Tadzio to?

10. How does Aschenbach experience the morning? What are the metaphors he uses?

(see the answer keys)

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