Death in Venice Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death in Venice Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long until Aschenbach's luggage returns to Venice?
(a) Not very long.
(b) It was in Venice the whole time.
(c) Several weeks.
(d) It never returns.

2. How does Aschenbach describe the family as a whole?
(a) Dignified.
(b) Nervous.
(c) Rude.
(d) Unsophisticated.

3. Aschenbach feels _______ about using Tadzio as inspiration.
(a) Unworthy.
(b) Immature.
(c) Unnatural.
(d) Guilty.

4. Where does Aschenbach first see the family from his hotel?
(a) At a restaurant.
(b) At the beach.
(c) In the lobby.
(d) On the boat to Venice.

5. How does Aschenbach feel about his decision to stay in Venice?
(a) Frustration.
(b) Guilt.
(c) Distress.
(d) Acceptance.

6. Why does Aschenbach ignore his dilemmas regarding Tadzio?
(a) Because Tadzio returns his feelings.
(b) Because it is an unpleasant thought.
(c) Because his feelings are not uncommon.
(d) Because he thinks his fears are unfounded.

7. At the height of Aschenbach's obsession with Tadzio, what sense has Tadzio reinvigorated in Aschenbach?
(a) Wealth.
(b) Death.
(c) Corruption.
(d) Life.

8. How has Tadzio changed how Aschenbach feels about his writing?
(a) He is excited by it.
(b) He is not amused with it.
(c) He doesn't care anymore.
(d) He is more displeased with it.

9. What does Aschenbach compare the boy in the hotel to?
(a) His own son.
(b) A monster.
(c) A Greek statue.
(d) Himself.

10. Before his trip to Venice, Aschenbach used to be controlled by his _________.
(a) Desire to please.
(b) Rigidness.
(c) Parents.
(d) Impulses.

11. About how old is Tadzio?
(a) Fourteen.
(b) Ten.
(c) Seven.
(d) Eighteen.

12. Aschenbach frequently watches Tadzio at the _______.
(a) Beach.
(b) Theater.
(c) Cafe.
(d) Zoo.

13. How does Aschenbach spend his idle time as his affections for Tadzio increase?
(a) Going for walks.
(b) Eating.
(c) Thinking of Tadzio.
(d) Painting.

14. In Part Four, Aschenbach begins to believe that Tadzio is _________ of Aschenbach's feelings.
(a) Rejectful.
(b) Ignorant.
(c) Suspicious.
(d) Aware.

15. What was the weather on Aschenbach's last trip to Venice?
(a) Cold.
(b) Cloudy.
(c) Sunny.
(d) Unbearably hot.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Aschenbach compare the second boatman's beard to?

2. What does Aschenbach observe about the boy's sisters?

3. At the beach, Aschenbach eats _________.

4. The family Aschenbach sees in his hotel are from _______.

5. Now that Aschenbach is completely obsessed with Tadzio, Aschenbach is controlled by his ________.

(see the answer keys)

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