Death of a Salesman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death of a Salesman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What excuse does Charley give Willy for his visit?
(a) He remembers to tell Willy about an important job opportunity.
(b) He hears some noise and thinks something has happened.
(c) He wants to play cards.
(d) He hears some noise so he thinks he would come in for a chat.

2. What does Willy intend to do during the day?
(a) Get a haircut and buy a new suit in readiness for his dinner with the boys.
(b) Convince Howard that he needs a pay rise.
(c) See Howard and convince him to allow Willy to be taken off road work to stay in New York.
(d) Ask Howard for a job as a branch manager since he has been with the company for so long.

3. What difference would it have made to his life if Willy had formed his own business?
(a) He would have been able to work from home.
(b) He would not have to leave home any more.
(c) He would have built a house on Long Island.
(d) He would have been able to travel in luxury.

4. For how long was Linda unable to contact Biff?
(a) For over three months
(b) For over six months
(c) She has always been able to contact Biff.
(d) For over a year

5. According to Willy, what has left him unsettled and "temporary?"
(a) Worrying about the mortgage
(b) Not being happy with Linda
(c) He never had a chance to get close to his father.
(d) The wanderings around the countryside when he was a child

6. Why does Willy need to borrow money from Charley?
(a) He cannot afford his next car payment.
(b) He cannot afford his insurance premium.
(c) He has a loan shark after him and is terrified.
(d) He has no money to buy Linda a birthday present.

7. What does Linda suggest is "not nice?"
(a) That Biff has Bernard help him cheat at Math.
(b) That Biff has stolen a football.
(c) That Biff is driving a car without a licence.
(d) That Biff is "stuck up."

8. What worrying news does Bernard bring?
(a) Biff has failed Math.
(b) He has heard Mr Birnbaum threatening to flunk Biff in Math.
(c) He has heard that someone else has won the sports scholarship.
(d) He has heard that Mr Birnbaum is leaving the school.

9. According to Linda, in what way does Willy compare with many other people?
(a) He has more good in him.
(b) He is fatter.
(c) He earns less money.
(d) He works harder.

10. What is the outcome of Willy's visit to Howard?
(a) Howard tells Willy he must work in Boston.
(b) Willy loses his temper and resigns.
(c) Willy is fired.
(d) Willy is given the desk job that he wants.

11. Making an inference from Linda's words, what do you think is Angelo's occupation?
(a) Loan shark
(b) Motor mechanic
(c) Car salesman
(d) Attorney

12. At what point did Biff's attitude change, according to Bernard?
(a) Biff's trip to Boston
(b) Biff's trip to Yonkers
(c) Biff's attendance at a religious crusade
(d) Biff's conversation with the football coach

13. Who does Linda refer to as "a philandering bum?"
(a) Happy
(b) Howard
(c) Bernard
(d) Biff

14. How did Ben and Willy's father support his family financially as they traveled?
(a) By selling the flutes he had made
(b) By working in bars
(c) By giving flute concerts in every town they visited
(d) By selling agricultural machinery he had invented

15. What is Happy's reaction to the news that his father has been attempting suicide?
(a) He is angry with Linda for not telling them sooner.
(b) He says Willy is a "poor fool."
(c) He says this is terrible and he must do something.
(d) He says Willy is a "damned fool."

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Charley kid Willy about?

2. What is Willy Loman carrying as he enters the stage?

3. What is a synonym for 'trepidation'?

4. All the old buyers who loved Willy are ___________.

5. What does Willy feel is a disgrace?

(see the answer keys)

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