Death and the Maiden Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death and the Maiden Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Paulina want Gerardo to do on the Investigating Committee?
(a) Defend the truth.
(b) She doesn't want him on the committee.
(c) Lie so as to get the past over as quickly as possible.
(d) Be the voice of reason.

2. What alternative does Paulina offer Gerardo instead of his involvement?
(a) That he can sit in the bedroom and listen.
(b) That he can leave and never come back.
(c) That he can call the police and have her arrested.
(d) No alternative.

3. When the music ends, what do Gerardo and Paulina do?
(a) They throws confetti onto the stage.
(b) They are not in the audience.
(c) He applauds; she does not.
(d) He kisses the lead actress and she gives the actress a rose.

4. What will Paulina do if Roberto gives her a signed confession?
(a) Have him arrested.
(b) Let him go.
(c) Kill him.
(d) Insist on therapy.

5. What does Paulina asks Gerardo to do?
(a) To leave the house until Paulina is through with Roberto.
(b) To help her dispose of the body if she has to kill Roberto.
(c) To convince Roberto that Paulina will kill him if he doesn't confess.
(d) To rough Roberto up to scare him.

6. What composer does Dr. Miranda play while talking with Paulina in captivity?
(a) Beatles.
(b) Schubert.
(c) Bach.
(d) Mahler.

7. What technique does Roberto think Paulina and Gerardo are using?
(a) Good cop, bad cop.
(b) Guilt induced confession.
(c) Waterboarding.
(d) Sleep deprivation.

8. What is Gerardo's response to Roberto's taunting him?
(a) Unties Roberto and throws him out of the house.
(b) Laughs since he knows what Roberto is trying to do.
(c) Threatens to shoot Roberto himself.
(d) Tells Roberto he is insane.

9. When is Paulina kidnapped?
(a) April, 1966.
(b) January, 1974.
(c) April, 1975.
(d) June, 1979.

10. To what does Roberto admit?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Using electrical paddles to shock political prisoners.
(c) Being afraid.
(d) Raping Paulina.

11. What does Roberto say about Gerardo's ability to protect Paulina?
(a) He is better able to protect her than the police.
(b) Roberto questions Gerardo's manhood for not protecting Paulina from rape.
(c) That it's not his responsibility to have kept Paulina safe.
(d) He is not to blame that he couldn't keep Paulina safe.

12. What does Paulina remind Gerardo about her torturers?
(a) That they repeatedly raped her.
(b) That they had not been caught.
(c) That they were animals.
(d) That they did offer her food and water.

13. What does Paulina say about the relationship between some doctors and the secret police?
(a) That the police believe doctors could not be trusted.
(b) That the doctors pretended to help the police, but were spying for the rebels.
(c) That the doctors and the police were on different sides of the political situation.
(d) That the police used the doctors in their torture sessions.

14. What does Roberto state about Paulina?
(a) That she needs psychiatric care.
(b) That she is beautiful.
(c) That she is an admirable person.
(d) That he knew her when she was in elementary school.

15. Where are Gerardo and Roberto at the beginning of this scene?
(a) Seated at the dining table.
(b) In the car.
(c) They are not in this scene.
(d) Sleeping in their respective bedrooms.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Paulina say to reassure Gerardo.

2. What seems to happen to Gerardo in this scene?

3. Roberto asks what of Gerardo?

4. Who turns to Roberto and meets his gaze for a moment?

5. What is Roberto's situation?

(see the answer keys)

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