The Death of Ivan Ilych Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Death of Ivan Ilych Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ivan ask of God?
(a) To explain why God is allowing him to be in such pain.
(b) To be cured.
(c) To live as he used to - well and pleasantly.
(d) To take care of his family when he is gone.

2. What does Ivan find once he feels he is pushed through the hole?
(a) Strength to deal with the pain.
(b) Peace.
(c) LIght at the bottom.
(d) The ability to spend his last moments with his family.

3. What affects do these medicines have on Ivan?
(a) They relieve his pain.
(b) They make him sleep most of the time.
(c) They make him delusional.
(d) They make him depressed.

4. Who seems to answer Ivan's questions?
(a) His wife.
(b) Gerasim.
(c) God.
(d) The doctor.

5. What does Ivan struggle with during the last three days of his life?
(a) The bright light.
(b) The black sack.
(c) The pain.
(d) The bleeding.

6. What broader concept about life does Ivan come to see once he feels he is pushed through the hole?
(a) That life is a cabaret.
(b) That life is meant to be difficult.
(c) That it can be lived well even if he didn't live well.
(d) That life is a struggle.

7. What does Ivan realize in Chapter 7?
(a) That everyone is waiting for him to die.
(b) That he misses work terribly.
(c) That he is not as sick as he has thought.
(d) That his wife doesn't love him.

8. What month of Ivan's illness begins Chapter 7?
(a) Second.
(b) Fourth.
(c) Third.
(d) Sixth.

9. Why does the specialist's visit cause Ivan more pain?
(a) Because Ivan can't bear to see yet another doctor.
(b) Because he does many painful tests.
(c) Because he cuts Ivan at the wrists to allow the impurities of his blood to leave the body.
(d) It gives Ivan a brief moment of false hope.

10. What does Ivan do for the last three days of his life?
(a) Screams.
(b) Cries.
(c) Sleeps.
(d) Bleeds.

11. How much time has passed at the beginning of Chapter 11?
(a) One year.
(b) Two months.
(c) Two days.
(d) Two weeks.

12. In Chapter 10, how does Ivan feel about his memories of the past?
(a) The memories are joyful.
(b) The memories are shocking.
(c) The memories devastating.
(d) The memories are painful.

13. Where does Ivan live in his thoughts?
(a) At his old job, having gotten the promotion he expected.
(b) In memories of the past.
(c) With his friends in the residence hall when he was at school.
(d) Happily at home with his family.

14. How do Ivan's drugs help his wife and doctors?
(a) The drugs make Ivan easier to be with.
(b) The drugs make it easier for him to sleep.
(c) The drugs only serve their convenience in keeping Ivan quiet.
(d) The drugs make them feel better because they ease his pain.

15. Others see Ivan twitch and gasp for two more hours, but Ivan experiences what?
(a) Sadness.
(b) Pain.
(c) Fear.
(d) Joy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ivan's wife tell him to do in Chapter 9?

2. What medicines are often given to Ivan?

3. How does Ivan's wife explain why she ordered what she did in Chapter 8?

4. In Chapter 10, where is Ivan for the next two weeks?

5. What does Ivan think may have been real after all?

(see the answer keys)

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