The Death of Ivan Ilych Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Death of Ivan Ilych Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. His memories of the past lead Ivan specifically to where?
(a) His childhood.
(b) That fateful day he fell off the step ladder.
(c) The day he met his wife.
(d) School.

2. How does Ivan react to what his wife wants to do when she returns from the theater?
(a) He sends her away.
(b) He pretends to be asleep.
(c) He welcomes her company.
(d) He asks her to tell him all about the concert.

3. What broader concept about life does Ivan come to see once he feels he is pushed through the hole?
(a) That life is a cabaret.
(b) That life is a struggle.
(c) That life is meant to be difficult.
(d) That it can be lived well even if he didn't live well.

4. How do Ivan's drugs help his wife and doctors?
(a) The drugs only serve their convenience in keeping Ivan quiet.
(b) The drugs make Ivan easier to be with.
(c) The drugs make them feel better because they ease his pain.
(d) The drugs make it easier for him to sleep.

5. In Chapter 10, how does Ivan feel about his memories of the past?
(a) The memories devastating.
(b) The memories are shocking.
(c) The memories are joyful.
(d) The memories are painful.

6. For Ivan, what does the thought that he hasn't lived a good life cause?
(a) More suffering.
(b) To be unable to sleep.
(c) To be unable to eat.
(d) To be unable to see his family.

7. How does Gerasim treat Ivan?
(a) The same as everyone else.
(b) He is cheerful and kind and does not pretend Ivan will get well.
(c) As though he is glad to see Ivan go.
(d) As if he will be left some money if he is nice to Ivan.

8. How does Ivan's wife explain why she ordered what she did in Chapter 8?
(a) To put her mind at ease.
(b) She is certain this doctor can cure Ivan.
(c) Because she can see Ivan is tired and needs rest.
(d) Fresh air will will rid Ivan's room of impurities.

9. What does Ivan begin to review in Chapter 11?
(a) His whole life and all his relationships.
(b) The periodic table.
(c) The proposal he gave his wife so long ago.
(d) The speech he wants to give to his soon to be son-in-law.

10. Who seems to answer Ivan's questions?
(a) His wife.
(b) The doctor.
(c) Gerasim.
(d) God.

11. How much time has passed at the beginning of Chapter 11?
(a) Two weeks.
(b) Two months.
(c) One year.
(d) Two days.

12. Ivan compares the doctor's visit to what?
(a) The lies of lawyers in the courts.
(b) The hope of a church service.
(c) Premature death.
(d) The time he's spent in the company of his friends.

13. His memories make it difficult for Ivan to do what?
(a) Face the fact that he is dying.
(b) Stay in the present.
(c) Deal with the pain.
(d) Face the truth of the life he created for himself as an adult.

14. What medicines are often given to Ivan?
(a) Penicillin and morphine.
(b) Opium and morphine.
(c) Penicillin and opium.
(d) There is no medicine that can help Ivan.

15. Why does Ivan say his mental pain is worse?
(a) One moment he wants it all to be over. The next moment he doesn't want to die.
(b) He cannot bear to leave his family.
(c) He wishes he had never left his old job and bought this house.
(d) He cannot believe that he is dying from falling off a step ladder.

Short Answer Questions

1. What explanation has Ivan for the realizations about his memories?

2. What does the idea that he hasn't lived a good life stop Ivan from being able to do?

3. What does Ivan seriously consider in Chapter 11?

4. One evening, Ivan's wife comes into his room to visit dressed how?

5. How does Ivan react to his memories?

(see the answer keys)

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