The Death of the Heart Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Death of the Heart Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Cecil ask Portia at the end of chapter 4?
(a) If she will go on a date with him.
(b) Why she is staying with Mrs. Heccomb.
(c) If she has a boyfriend.
(d) Where her parents are.

2. Why does Eddie tell Portia to go away in chapter 7?
(a) He doesn't want to hurt her.
(b) His feelings for her are stronger than the ones she has for him.
(c) He feels smothered, because he doesn't feel for her what she feels for him.
(d) He wants to be alone for a while.

3. What does Mrs. Heccomb think of Eddie?
(a) She thinks that he is a friend of Matchett's, coming to check up on Portia.
(b) She thinks that he is just a friend of Portia's.
(c) She thinks he is a friend of the Quaynes' who is just coming to check up on Portia.
(d) She thinks that he is Portia's boyfriend.

4. Who else noticed a change in Portia, besides Matchett?
(a) Thomas.
(b) Anna.
(c) Major Brutt.
(d) Eddie.

5. With whom is Eddie holding hands at the movie theatre?
(a) Portia.
(b) Clara.
(c) No one.
(d) Daphne.

6. How many letters does Portia receive in her first week at Waikiki?
(a) None.
(b) Ten.
(c) One.
(d) Three.

7. When Portia refuses to go home, what does Eddie do?
(a) Walks home, leaving her alone.
(b) Takes her back to his place.
(c) Calls her a cab.
(d) Stays in the park with her.

8. Why does Eddie go back to London on Sunday night?
(a) He has to work in the morning.
(b) He has to take care of his pets.
(c) He doesn't want to be around Portia anymore.
(d) He promised his landlady he would be back before the weekend was over.

9. Why does Portia begin to gain respect for Daphne?
(a) She meets Daphne's friends.
(b) She meets Daphne's boyfriend.
(c) She goes to visit Daphne at work.
(d) She finds out that Daphne is a foster mother.

10. Why is Portia almost hit by a car on her walk with Thomas?
(a) She is lost in her own thoughts, and looking at the ground.
(b) She is deliberately taking risks because she is depressed.
(c) She looks up and waves at the window where Anna is standing.
(d) She is staring at someone across the street.

11. What does Portia now see, as a result of her argument with Eddie?
(a) All of Anna's faults.
(b) All of her own faults.
(c) All of Eddie's faults.
(d) The reason for the problems in her relationship with Anna.

12. What is the reason Portia gives Lilian for why she is going to confront Eddie in chapter 3?
(a) She wants to leave him.
(b) She wants to know how he truly feels about her.
(c) She wants to make amends because she feels that Eddie's philandering is her fault somehow.
(d) She wants to confront him about the way he and Anna have been plotting behind her back.

13. Who comes to visit Portia in chapter 8?
(a) Thomas.
(b) Cecil.
(c) Matchett.
(d) Eddie.

14. Whom does Eddie flirt with at Bursely's party?
(a) Portia, then Evelyn.
(b) Daphne, then Portia.
(c) Clara, then Evelyn.
(d) All of the women present.

15. Whom is Portia daydreaming about in church at the beginning of chapter 4?
(a) Eddie.
(b) Cecil.
(c) Dickie.
(d) Mr. Bursely.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose lighter is used at the movie theatre?

2. Who sends Anna the bouquet of pink carnations?

3. What makes Daphne's friends warm up to Portia?

4. What does Portia demand to know about Eddie and Anna?

5. What does Anna suddenly want to do with her letters from Robert Pidgeon?

(see the answer keys)

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