The Death of the Heart Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Death of the Heart Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Dickie doing when Portia meets him?
(a) Eating dinner.
(b) Getting ready for work.
(c) Coming home from work.
(d) Doing yard work.

2. What does Lilian ask Portia at lunch in part 1, chapter 4?
(a) If Portia is inattentive in class because she is ill.
(b) What happened to Portia's parents.
(c) Why Portia hadn't told her about the letter.
(d) Why Portia has been absent so much in recent days.

3. What was the agreement that Anna and Eddie reached after Eddie got his job?
(a) They agreed to continue seeing each other, but only in secret.
(b) They agreed to get along for Thomas's sake.
(c) They agreed to pretend that nothing had happened between them.
(d) They agreed to close the door on their former relationship.

4. What do Portia and her friend take a path through to get to school?
(a) A farm.
(b) The town centre.
(c) A park.
(d) A cemetery.

5. What is Portia's last memory of her mother?
(a) Driving her mother to the clinic.
(b) Driving her mother to the train station.
(c) Portia doesn't remember her mother at all.
(d) Waving goodbye to her mother from the deck of a boat.

6. How does Thomas feel about Anna's idea for an activity?
(a) He wants to be able to choose the activity.
(b) He wants to do something else.
(c) He wants to go with Anna, and not let Portia come.
(d) He just wants to stay at home.

7. What is the first of Eddie's character flaws to be revealed?
(a) He has frightening mood swings.
(b) He is addicted to gambling.
(c) He is a ladies' man.
(d) He drinks too much.

8. Why is Portia nervous in chapter 8?
(a) She is insecure about her appearance.
(b) She has never been to tea before.
(c) Being around Eddie makes her nervous.
(d) She is worried that she and Eddie will be discovered together.

9. What is happening at the Quaynes' home in April?
(a) Portia is staying alone with Matchett for a week.
(b) Eddie is staying with the Quaynes for a week.
(c) Anna and Thomas are traveling abroad.
(d) Portia is traveling abroad.

10. What relationship exists between Mrs. Heccomb and Daphne?
(a) Stepmother and stepdaughter.
(b) Mother and daughter.
(c) Governess and charge.
(d) Aunt and niece.

11. What does Matchett find when she tries to fluff Portia's pillow?
(a) Portia's letter to Major Brutt.
(b) Portia's diary.
(c) Eddie's letter to Portia.
(d) Anna's necklace that Portia stole.

12. What is the reason Thomas gives Anna for why he thinks Portia is upset in part 1, chapter 2?
(a) He gives no reason.
(b) Thomas said something hurtful to Portia.
(c) Portia is beginning her menstrual cycle.
(d) Portia is missing her mother.

13. Why do Anna and Thomas not want any children?
(a) Anna has suffered two miscarriages.
(b) Thomas doesn't like children.
(c) Anna doesn't like children.
(d) They don't have enough money to support a family.

14. What was Eddie's reaction to the favor that Anna did for him?
(a) He never knew that it was Anna's doing.
(b) He thanked her, but continued to act oafish around her.
(c) He thanked her, and apologized for his recent behavior.
(d) He was ungrateful and callous.

15. When did Eddie's visits start to become much more regular?
(a) When Anna married Thomas.
(b) When Portia came to live with Anna and Thomas.
(c) When Anna left Robert Pidgeon.
(d) When Anna separated from Thomas.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Thomas think the visitor might want?

2. What is the school Portia attends like?

3. What does Major Brutt accept from Thomas?

4. What happened to Eddie soon after he met Anna?

5. What does Portia ask Matchett in part 1, chapter 6?

(see the answer keys)

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