Chronicle of a Death Foretold Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chronicle of a Death Foretold Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ironically, the matriarch of the Arab community was responsible for:
(a) Carrying out the revenge against the twins.
(b) Providing the twins with a place to stay.
(c) Curing the Vicario twins' illnesses.
(d) Assuaging the twins' guilt.

2. The narrator suspects that the San Roman family's excessive show of grief:
(a) Is meant to make the Vicario family feel guilty.
(b) Is concealing another, greater shame.
(c) Is covering up their secret satisfaction over the failure of the marriage.
(d) Is meant to show the townspeople how humble they are.

3. Colonel Lazaro Aponte:
(a) Is tired of breaking up fights, and lets the matter go.
(b) Takes the twins' knives away.
(c) Talks to the twins and decides they are bluffing.
(d) Forgets all about the murder plot.

4. The author differentiates between his sisters by calling them:
(a) My sister the spinster and My sister the nun.
(b) My sister Margot and My sister Ignacia.
(c) My sister Margot and My sister the nun.
(d) My favorite sister and My other sister.

5. The narrator does not believe Santiago had a guilty conscience that night because:
(a) He refused to go to the widower Xius's house.
(b) He continued to court Angela Vicario.
(c) His manner was carefree and celbratory.
(d) He challenged anyone who did not believe him to a fight.

6. The repeated foretelling of Santiago Nasar's death suggests:
(a) That it was everyone's plan to murder him.
(b) That it was his punishment for a misspent life.
(c) That Santiago knew he would die that day.
(d) That it was fated or inevitable in such a town and culture.

7. Pedro Vicario's guilt manifests itself in what way?
(a) He refuses to eat for eleven months after the murder.
(b) He was awake for eleven months after the murder.
(c) He refuses to marry his fiance.
(d) He cannot control his bladder.

8. Victoria Guzman calls Santiago Nasar "white man," because he is partly white, but this also might suggest:
(a) His prejudice against the townspeople.
(b) His innocence.
(c) Her hatred of his wealth and priveledge.
(d) Her fear of him as different than herself.

9. Bayardo's statement, "Well, here I am," suggests:
(a) That he has been there all along.
(b) That he knows what Angela wants and has forgiven her.
(c) That he has come to confront her about her behavior.
(d) That he is now ready to hear her explanations.

10. Pablo, the younger twin, finally has to convince his brother to kill Santiago, perhaps because:
(a) Pedro has lost his sense of duty since returning from the military.
(b) Pedro is resistant to any kind of authority.
(c) Pedro is cowardly since his return from the military.
(d) Pedro has been to war and knows what it is to kill a man.

11. Prudencia Cotes, Pablo Vicario's fiancee, makes it clear that she:
(a) Expects Pablo Vicario to wait for her.
(b) Believes Angela Vicario is completely innocent.
(c) Will not wait for Pablo Vicario if he commits this crime.
(d) Believes the men acted necessarily in defense of honor.

12. The brothers' plan to murder Santiago is strangely contradicted at Clothilde Armenta's house by:
(a) Their disbelief in their sister's guilt.
(b) Their proclamations that they don't want to kill Santiago.
(c) Their inability to eat or drink anything.
(d) Their desire to shave and clean up.

13. Maria Alejandrina Cervantes refuses to believe that the twins came to her place looking for Santiago because:
(a) She did not allow the twins entrance to her place.
(b) She claims they never would have left.
(c) She claims they were not allowed to visit her establishment.
(d) She does not remember the events of that evening clearly.

14. The twins attribute their health problems to:
(a) Attempted poisoning.
(b) The abysmal prison conditions.
(c) Guilt over their crime.
(d) Fear.

15. Santiago's autopsy has to be performed in a hurry because:
(a) The heat is extreme and the body is decomposing.
(b) Santiago's coffin is prepared and waiting for him.
(c) The Nasars' dogs have begun to eat the body.
(d) The townspeople want to desecrate the remains.

Short Answer Questions

1. Divina Flor's weeping as she fends off the dogs suggests:

2. Most of the concerns that keep people from acting on Santiago Nasar's behalf could be described as:

3. The Vicario twins' behavior suggests:

4. When the narrator warns Santiago that "A falcon who chases a warlike crane can only hope for a life of pain," he suggests:

5. Faustino Santos, the twins' friend, reports their claim to:

(see the answer keys)

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