Chronicle of a Death Foretold Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chronicle of a Death Foretold Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Vicario twins' behavior suggests:
(a) They are completely without regret.
(b) They are both extremely ill.
(c) They need psychiatric treatment.
(d) They feel an innate sense of guilt.

2. Angela Vicario decides to write Bayardo San Roman after:
(a) He refuses to speak to her in public.
(b) He writes her first.
(c) She sees him pass by many years later.
(d) She finds out he still loves her.

3. Bayardo's statement, "Well, here I am," suggests:
(a) That he has been there all along.
(b) That he is now ready to hear her explanations.
(c) That he knows what Angela wants and has forgiven her.
(d) That he has come to confront her about her behavior.

4. Divina Flor's weeping as she fends off the dogs suggests:
(a) She knows her mother is responsible for Santiago's death.
(b) She knows the dogs will attack her next.
(c) She is guilty and overcome by Santiago's death.
(d) She is afraid the narrator will blame her for Santiago's death.

5. The narrator last sees Santiago Nasar walking along the river with:
(a) Christo Bedoya.
(b) Angela Vicario.
(c) Maria Alejandrina Cervantes.
(d) The Vicario Twins.

6. The narrator's dream about the voracious child, on the heels of his thought on Santiago's horrific death, might suggest:
(a) The demands of the community were extreme and had consequences.
(b) The appetites of the town's women led to disaster.
(c) Maria Alejandrina's eating had awoken him.
(d) The narrator feels Santiago deserved his death.

7. The twins attribute their health problems to:
(a) Guilt over their crime.
(b) The abysmal prison conditions.
(c) Fear.
(d) Attempted poisoning.

8. Why does Father Carmen Amador perform Santiago's autopsy?
(a) The town's doctor is still drunk from the wedding festivities.
(b) The town's doctor is gone at present, and no one else was qualified and willing.
(c) Santiago's mother does not trust the town doctor or Christo Bedoya, the medical student.
(d) Santiago's mother insists that only a priest may touch her son's body.

9. The Vicario family:
(a) Leaves the town, never to return.
(b) Leaves the town, plotting to return and help the brothers escape.
(c) Guards the prisoners in prison with shotguns.
(d) Gives the mayor a bribe to help them escape the town.

10. The narrator learns that the Vicario twins:
(a) Hid out until the murder so they could not be stopped.
(b) Tried to find someone to stop them from the killing.
(c) Turned themselves in only after they were surrounded.
(d) Acted on behalf of their mother's wishes.

11. The serenade that took place at the widower Xius's house was intended to:
(a) Wake the newlyweds on their wedding night.
(b) Show Bayardo San Roman who wronged his wife.
(c) Make sure Bayardo had not drunk himself to death.
(d) Rouse the newlyweds so the party could continue at their house.

12. Santiago Nasar's pure white linen suit suggests:
(a) Innocence.
(b) Womanliness.
(c) Wealth.
(d) Burial wrappings.

13. Maria Alejandrina Cervantes handles her grief by:
(a) Excessive eating.
(b) Barring her doors from the public.
(c) Having all-night parties.
(d) Excessive drinking.

14. When the others in the meat market complain of hangovers or of missing the cake at the wedding, how do the twins reply?
(a) We're going to kill Santiago Nasar.
(b) When you sacrifice a steer, you don't look into its eyes.
(c) Everybody knows that, you dope.
(d) We just came to sharpen our knives.

15. Faustino Santos, the twins' friend, reports their claim to:
(a) Poncio Vicario, the twins' father.
(b) Leandro Pornoy, a police officer.
(c) Victoria Guzman, the cook.
(d) Don Rogelio de la Flor, Clothilde Armenta's husband.

Short Answer Questions

1. The repeated mention of Victoria Guzman watching over the coffee pot and gutting animals connotes which popular image?

2. When Clothilde Armenta says "That day I realized just how alone we women are in the world," she implies:

3. Father Amador fails to warn Santiago or his mother of the murder plot because:

4. The priest describes the autopsy as:

5. The Colonel treats the twins like:

(see the answer keys)

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