Chronicle of a Death Foretold Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chronicle of a Death Foretold Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The twins' actions seem to result from:
(a) A sense of duty, but not a sense of pride.
(b) A sense of honor, but not bloodthirstiness.
(c) A senes of bloodthirstiness, but not a sense of pride.
(d) A sense of compassion, but not a sense of duty.

2. Poncio Vicario's death is attributed to his "moral pain," which suggests:
(a) He knows the murder of Santiago Nasar was not right.
(b) He regrets not killing Santiago Nasar himself.
(c) He suffered a painful illness due to his blindness.
(d) He regrets his sons' prison sentences.

3. The dogs panting after Santiago's innards as his body lay in his mother's house might represent:
(a) The savage attitudes of the townspeople toward honor and revenge.
(b) The fate that Santiago deserves.
(c) The spilling of Santiago and Angela's secret.
(d) Santiago's consumption of women.

4. The narrator believes Angela Vicario has always exhibited:
(a) A poverty of morals and a reckless nature.
(b) A weakness of spirit and an air of helplessness.
(c) A boldness unbecoming to a lady.
(d) A desperation men found stifling.

5. To intimidate Santiago Nasar on the morning of his murder, what does Victoria Guzman do?
(a) Burns him with his coffee.
(b) Hires the Vicario twins to threaten him.
(c) Threatens to tell Santiago's mother what he has been up to.
(d) Violently guts rabbits in front of him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Victoria Guzman distrusts Santiago because:

2. Bayardo San Roman has "a way of speaking that...":

3. Santiago may have felt he was unlikely to be murdered because:

4. The priest laments that a brilliant future was cut short for Santiago because:

5. The fact that the bishop overlooks the town, the narrator's nun sister is too hung over to greet the boat, and Father Amador neglects to warn Santiago about the murder suggests:

(see the answer key)

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