Death on the Nile Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death on the Nile Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In chapter 21, for what reason does Poirot suggest no one heard the gunshot that took Linnet's life?
(a) It was muffled by the fur stole.
(b) It was too small a sound to be heard.
(c) No one but Pennington was close enough and capable of hearing it.
(d) It was such a small sound, no one could distinguish it over normal sounds.

2. In chapter 30, who does Jackie says came up with the plan to kill Linnet originally?
(a) No one, it was just an act of opportunity.
(b) Simon did.
(c) Both she and Simon came up with it together.
(d) She did.

3. In chapter 22, what does Poirot find interesting in Linnet Doyle's cabin?
(a) The contents of her closet.
(b) Her bed.
(c) Her nail polish bottles.
(d) Her collection of literature.

4. For what reason does Mrs. Otterbourne suggest Miss Bowers might be Linnet's killer in chapter 17?
(a) She is socially repressed.
(b) She is clearly in love with Simon Doyle.
(c) She is sexually repressed.
(d) She is clearly envious of Linnet's money.

5. In chapter 29, who does Poirot suggest was drugged the night Linnet was murdered?
(a) Simon.
(b) Race.
(c) Himself.
(d) Linnet.

Short Answer Questions

1. In chapter 25, what does Mr. Ferguson claim is wrong about the education Cornelia claims to be recieving?

2. In chapter 25, why does Mr. Ferguson claim he would like to marry Cornelia Robson?

3. In chapter 22, in whose cabin do Race and Poirot find a gun?

4. Where does Mr. Pennington say in chapter 18 that Linnet was raised?

5. In chapter 17, what does Rosalie Otterbourne say could cause her accuser to be wrong about what she/he saw?

Short Essay Questions

1. In chapter 17, Miss Otterbourne refutes everything that Miss van Schuyler said about her in a previous chapter. Could Miss van Schuyler be lying? For what purpose?

2. In chapter 25, how does Pennington respond when Poirot and Race confront him about the use of his gun in the murder of Mrs. Otterbourne?

3. In chapter 21, where does Miss Bowers claim she got the pearls? Why did she not come forward sooner?

4. In chapter 31, who does Cornelia announce she plans to marry? For what reason?

5. In chapter 18, Poirot and Race interview Mr. Pennington. Who does Mr. Pennington suggest is the killer? What reason does Mr. Pennington give for quickly leaving the interview?

6. In chapter 19, what does Miss Otterbourne finally admit to Poirot? Why does Poirot think that Miss Otterbourne is continuing to lie to him?

7. In chapter 27, with what does Poirot confront Tim Allerton?

8. In chapter 19, who does Simon Doyle ask to see? For what reason?

9. In chapter 20, who does Poirot and Race find has the pearls?

10. In chapter 17, what is the attitude of Mr. Ferguson when Poirot and Race interview him? What might this indicate?

(see the answer keys)

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