Death on the Nile Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death on the Nile Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In chapter 31, who is to be escorted off the ship first?
(a) Jackie.
(b) Simon Doyle.
(c) The innocent passengers.
(d) Richetti.

2. In chapter 29, what assumption does Poirot say he and Race made at the beginning of the investigation?
(a) That the murder was one of passion.
(b) That the murder was committed by someone who did not know Linnet.
(c) That the murder was committed on the spur of the moment.
(d) That the murder was carefully planned.

3. In chapter 23, how has Linnet's maid been murdered?
(a) Stabbed with a knife.
(b) Poisoned.
(c) Strangulation.
(d) Shot in the head.

4. What does Race suggest in chapter 18 that he and Poirot should focus on next in their investigation.
(a) Getting Simon to a hospital.
(b) The missing pearl necklace.
(c) Arranging Linnet's funeral.
(d) Clearing Jackie's name.

5. In chapter 30, what type of woman does Jackie say Simon dislikes?
(a) Rich women.
(b) Glamorous women.
(c) Bossy women.
(d) Childish women.

6. In chapter 24, who bursts into Dr. Bessner's cabin and claims to know who the killer is?
(a) Mr. Pennington.
(b) Miss van Schuyler.
(c) Mrs. Otterbourne.
(d) Mrs. Allerton.

7. In chapter 18, why does Rosalie say she has forgotten how to be nice?
(a) The stress of hiding her mother's vice.
(b) She was badly heartbroken.
(c) Her father's death had a profound toll on her.
(d) Her mother's impending death makes her depressed.

8. In chapter 22, what type of handkerchiefs do Race and Poirot find in Richetti's cabin?
(a) Colored silk.
(b) Cheap cotton.
(c) White satin.
(d) Cheap linen.

9. In chapter 21, for what reason does Poirot suggest no one heard the gunshot that took Linnet's life?
(a) It was too small a sound to be heard.
(b) It was muffled by the fur stole.
(c) No one but Pennington was close enough and capable of hearing it.
(d) It was such a small sound, no one could distinguish it over normal sounds.

10. In chapter 18, how many of the passengers are Poirot and Race able to rule out in the murder of Linnet Doyle?
(a) 4.
(b) 2.
(c) 6.
(d) 8.

11. In chapter 24, what danger does Miss Bowers suggest Simon Doyle faces if he does not reach a hospital soon?
(a) Septicemia, blood poisoning.
(b) An infection to the broken bone.
(c) He will bleed to death.
(d) A permanent limp.

12. For what reason does Mrs. Otterbourne suggest Miss Bowers might be Linnet's killer in chapter 17?
(a) She is sexually repressed.
(b) She is socially repressed.
(c) She is clearly envious of Linnet's money.
(d) She is clearly in love with Simon Doyle.

13. In chapter 25, who does Poirot claim Mr. Ferguson really is?
(a) Prince Andrew.
(b) Marquess of Acquitaine.
(c) Lord Dawlish.
(d) Duke of Westminster.

14. In chapter 21, who do Poirot and Race claim they would like to interview next?
(a) Pennington.
(b) Fanthrop.
(c) Tim Allerton.
(d) Bessner.

15. In chapter 30, why does Jackie claim Poirot has no evidence against her and Simon?
(a) His evidence is mostly circumstantial.
(b) She has since gotten rid of all the evidence.
(c) She thinks they were too clever to leave evidence.
(d) It would be his word against theirs.

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom in chapter 19 does Poirot comment on the vision of the moon after the sun has disappeared, a thought both Simon Doyle and Jackie de Bellefort have previously expressed to him?

2. In chapter 24, who does Poirot see walking toward the scene of the most recent shooting?

3. In chapter 20, to whom does Poirot whisper before he leaves the dining room?

4. In chapter 25, who takes charge over Miss Otterbourne?

5. In chapter 18, what reason does Rosalie give Poirot for lying about her presence on the deck the night before?

(see the answer keys)

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