Death of an Expert Witness Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death of an Expert Witness Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About whom is Dalgliesh thinking as he is in his motel room?
(a) Domenica.
(b) Why Brenda Pridmore wants to talk to him.
(c) The interview with Dr. Kerrison.
(d) Who could have been running away from the lab the night of the murder.

2. About what does Howarth blame himself?
(a) For Dr. Lorrimer's death.
(b) For not seeing how close to the edge Cliff is.
(c) For allowing Domenica to become involved with Dr. Lorrimer.
(d) For the rift between him and his kids.

3. What is the most striking thing about Dr. Lorrimer's room?
(a) The fact that there is very little in the room.
(b) A huge chart of the milky way galaxy.
(c) The collection of toy soldiers lining shelves on the wall.
(d) The large number of books.

4. For what does Angela want to search?
(a) A puppy.
(b) A new job.
(c) The old will of Dr. Lorrimer's.
(d) A new home.

5. What does Brenda see in the chapel?
(a) Stella Mawson's body hanging from a rope.
(b) Dr. Kerrison hitting Stella Mawson.
(c) Domenica hiding something.
(d) Dr. Lorrimer's ghost.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Stella Mawson seem as Dalgliesh questions her?

2. What happens to Dr. Lorrimer for about six months?

3. How long has Mawson been dead?

4. What does Dalgliesh believe about Stella's death?

5. What does Stella have that Angela wants her to give the detectives?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the scene at the chapel when Dalgliesh and Massingham arrive and what do they do.

2. What does Dalgliesh learn from Domenica about Dr. Lorrimer?

3. Describe Inspector Doyle.

4. What does Angela Foley do when she learns of Stella's death and what does Dalgliesh believe about the death?

5. Where do Dalgliesh and Massingham go at the opening of Book 4, Chapter 1 and what do they learn?

6. What does Dalgliesh think about concerning his interview with Dr. Kerrison?

7. What do several witnesses on a bus tell the detectives?

8. Who do Dalgliesh and Massingham meet upon arriving at the Lorrimer cottage and what do they learn from the person?

9. What does Dalgliesh learn upon interviewing Inspector Doyle?

10. What do the detectives learn from Mr. Lorrimer?

(see the answer keys)

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