Death of an Expert Witness Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death of an Expert Witness Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Dr. Lorrimer change his will?
(a) He doesn't.
(b) The month before his death.
(c) The day before his death.
(d) The week before his death.

2. Why is Mr. Bidwell interviewed?
(a) He witnessed a man climbing out of the bathroom window at the lab.
(b) He heard an altercation between Dr. Lorrimer and William Kerrison.
(c) He may be the man standing inside the bus stop shelter.
(d) He took a call and message for his wife.

3. What are Massingham and Dalgliesh doing when they hear chapel bells?
(a) Sitting in a car talking about the case.
(b) In their hotel rooms near the chapel.
(c) In the lab office.
(d) Talking to Inspector Doyle at the police station.

4. With whom does Miss Williard ride to church?
(a) The Pridmores.
(b) Director Howarth.
(c) Dr. Kerrison.
(d) Dr. Lorrimer.

5. What is the most striking thing about Dr. Lorrimer's room?
(a) A huge chart of the milky way galaxy.
(b) The collection of toy soldiers lining shelves on the wall.
(c) The large number of books.
(d) The fact that there is very little in the room.

6. What happens two months prior to Dr. Lorrimer's death?
(a) His affair with Domenica ends.
(b) He travels to Ireland with Domenica.
(c) It is when Domenica flirts with Dr. Lorrimer to unsuccessfully seduce him.
(d) He ends an affair with Brenda Pridmore.

7. What does Angela do when she learns of Stella's death?
(a) Runs screaming after the mortuary gurney.
(b) Attacks Director Howarth.
(c) Attacks Domenica.
(d) Faints.

8. About whom is Dalgliesh thinking as he is in his motel room?
(a) Who could have been running away from the lab the night of the murder.
(b) Why Brenda Pridmore wants to talk to him.
(c) The interview with Dr. Kerrison.
(d) Domenica.

9. What does Brenda do before she faints.
(a) Calls Dalgliesh on the chapel phone.
(b) Screams.
(c) Hits Dr. Kerrison.
(d) Rings the chapel bell.

10. How does Stella Mawson appear to Dalgliesh?
(a) Resigned.
(b) Terrified.
(c) Peaceful.
(d) Not at peaceful.

11. Why is Brenda's mother unhappy?
(a) That Brenda is still crying about finding Dr. Lorrimer's body.
(b) That Dr. Lorrimer leaves her 1000 pounds.
(c) That Brenda's boyfriend thinks she was involved with Dr. Lorrimer.
(d) That Brenda wants to quit her job.

12. What do the detectives immediately see upon opening the chapel door?
(a) Domenica opening a trunk in the sacristy.
(b) Angela holding Stella's legs.
(c) It is dark and they see nothing.
(d) Stella Mawson's body.

13. Who is Domenica Schofield?
(a) The witness on the bus.
(b) Director Howarth's half-sister.
(c) The evidence lab recorder.
(d) Director Howarth's sister-in-law.

14. What is Domenica's attitude towards the detectives?
(a) Completely hostile.
(b) Tearful.
(c) Neither warm nor hostile.
(d) Very warm and friendly.

15. What do the detectives hear moaning?
(a) Domenica.
(b) Brenda Pridmore.
(c) Dr. Kerrison.
(d) A dog.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what does Domenica admit?

2. When do Dalgliesh and Massingham visit Dr. Kerrison?

3. What does Doyle plan to do about his job?

4. Who does Dalgliesh meet outside Mr. Lorrmier's home?

5. What have the returned lab tests on the case shown?

(see the answer keys)

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