Death of a Red Heroine Test | Final Test - Medium

Qiu Xiaolong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death of a Red Heroine Test | Final Test - Medium

Qiu Xiaolong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the Americans in Chapter 31 suggest that Chen pick a restaurant for them to dine in, where does Chen pick?
(a) The Red Heroine.
(b) An American style restaurant.
(c) Lu's restaurnat.
(d) A waterfront place that sells caviar.

2. Who followed Chen in Guangzhou?
(a) Zahang.
(b) Wu.
(c) Wang.
(d) Internal Security.

3. Where does Chen stay while looking for Xie?
(a) A motel.
(b) A hostel.
(c) A hotel.
(d) With a friend.

4. Who leaves a message for Chen in Chapter 28?
(a) Secretary Li.
(b) Yu.
(c) Wang.
(d) Xie.

5. Where does Chen go to look for Xie?
(a) Guilin.
(b) Shanghai.
(c) Beijing.
(d) Guangzhou.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sort of visit had Ouyang paid for Chen to have with Xei?

2. After Ling and Chen reconnect, what does he do while she sleeps?

3. How does Li refer to Chen's investigation methods?

4. What type of relationship did the first woman Yu interviews in Chapter 25 have with Wu?

5. Why does Yu have a hard time relaying to Chen the new information about the case he receives?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is it significant to Chen when he learns that Wu has applied for a visa to America?

2. What action of Dr. Xia's reinvigorates Chen's dedication to solving the case?

3. What does Ning Jing tell Yu about her relationship with Wu?

4. What does Chen learn about Xei in Chapter 33?

5. What motive for Guan's murder does Chen begin to consider in Chapter 33?

6. What does Jiang Wehe tell Yu about her relationship with Wu?

7. How do Chen and Ling know one another, and what is their current relationship?

8. What have Yu and Chen be reassigned to do in Chapter 30?

9. What does Xie share with Chen about her relationship with Wu?

10. Why did Li lie to Chen and have Wu arrested without Chen and Yu knowing?

(see the answer keys)

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