Death of a Red Heroine Test | Final Test - Easy

Qiu Xiaolong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death of a Red Heroine Test | Final Test - Easy

Qiu Xiaolong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the package that Chen receives in Chapter 34 from?
(a) Xie.
(b) Wang.
(c) His mother.
(d) Ling.

2. Why did Li end the case without letting Chen know?
(a) Li plans to fire Chen.
(b) To protect Chen from retaliation by Wu's people.
(c) Li does not like Chen.
(d) Li didn't think Chen could do it.

3. Who does Chen see while leaving his hotel at the end of the book, and promises to speak with again soon?
(a) Wang.
(b) Li.
(c) Ling.
(d) Yu.

4. Who leaves a message for Chen in Chapter 28?
(a) Xie.
(b) Secretary Li.
(c) Wang.
(d) Yu.

5. Who does Guo Qiang work for?
(a) Chen.
(b) Old Hunter.
(c) Internal Security.
(d) Wu.

6. Who do Yu and Chen relay information about the case between?
(a) Peiqin.
(b) Wang.
(c) Xei.
(d) Zhang.

7. What is Chen prepared to do if his meeting with Li does not end with justice?
(a) Argue.
(b) Move out of the country.
(c) Punch Li.
(d) Quit.

8. How does Li refer to Chen's investigation methods?
(a) Unorthodox.
(b) Degrading.
(c) Expensive.
(d) Immature.

9. Chen wonders if a motive for the murder was Guan finding _____________.
(a) Wu with another woman.
(b) Wu's obscene photos.
(c) Wu's family secret.
(d) Wu's book of other women's phone numbers.

10. What did the second woman Yu interviews in Chapter 25 hope Wu would do to his wife?
(a) Introduce them.
(b) Forget her.
(c) Go back to her.
(d) Divorce her.

11. Who does Ouyang plan to ask to help Chen find Xie?
(a) His co-workers.
(b) His boss.
(c) His customers.
(d) Madams.

12. What was the main reason Ling broke up with Chen?
(a) Her family did not think he was a good match for her.
(b) She didn't love him anymore.
(c) She wanted to move to America for a year.
(d) She didn't think he would make a good husband.

13. In Chapter 32, Chen is supplied with a receipt for Wu's __________.
(a) Gas purchase.
(b) Photo paper.
(c) Dark room lights.
(d) Caviar.

14. At the end of the book, Chen finally realizes that all he can rely on in his work is his own _______ and conscientiousness.
(a) Honor.
(b) Intuition.
(c) Skill.
(d) Forethought.

15. What do Ling and Chen share a love of?
(a) Chess.
(b) Baseball.
(c) Poetry.
(d) Books.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose information does the first woman Yu interviews in Chapter 25 give Yu to interview next?

2. Old Hunter assigned to patrol whose neighborhood Chapter 38?

3. What was Xie's relationship with Wu?

4. Who asks Chen to introduce them for Party membership?

5. In Chen's new position in Chapter 37, who does he no longer need to report to?

(see the answer keys)

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