Death Masks Test | Final Test - Medium

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death Masks Test | Final Test - Medium

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Harry say is the safest place for him to be?
(a) The Vatican.
(b) The White Council's secret meeting room.
(c) His apartment.
(d) A church sanctuary.

2. What repels the attack spells?
(a) Spells of protection that Harry casts.
(b) A thick ectoplasm.
(c) A strange blue light.
(d) Another Knight who Harry does not recognize.

3. What does Harry pick up on the way to the meeting about the duel?
(a) The autopsy report Butters finds.
(b) The autopsy report on Anna.
(c) Samples of the Shroud.
(d) Susan.

4. What is McAnally's?
(a) The place where Harry is to meet with Francesca.
(b) The local hangout for paranormals.
(c) A pub that is frequented by the police.
(d) A restaurant that features European cuisine.

5. What does Susan notice is not lessening?
(a) The thickness of the ectoplasm.
(b) The intensity of the attack.
(c) The vampiric powers she has been using.
(d) The light once the attacks abate.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Cassius refuse to reveal despite threats from Harry?

2. What is evidence of a spell that hold Susan's vampiric powers and hungers in check?

3. Who is now Harry's second for the duel?

4. With whom does Nicodemus have an ancient rivalry?

5. How do Harry and the others catch up with Nicodemus' train?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who captures Harry and where is he taken?

2. Describe the interaction between Marcone and Harry at the charity benefit.

3. Why does Marcone agree to help Harry and the Knights and how does Marcone do so?

4. Why can't the Knights of the Cross harm Cassius?

5. What does Susan say happened after she and Anna left the motel the day before?

6. How does Harry restrain Susan?

7. How does Harry reveal who Cassius is masquerading as, and how does Harry know to do so?

8. What does Harry finally get out of Cassius about the Shroud?

9. What is Harry's reaction to the sample of the Shroud he picks up on the way to the meeting about the duel?

10. Why does Susan want to leave Harry's apartment and why can't she?

(see the answer keys)

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