Death Masks Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death Masks Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Dresden have to keep his magical energies under control?
(a) So his aura is not visible.
(b) So his is not detected by anti-Wizard factions.
(c) So he does not short out electronic equipment.
(d) So he is not detected by vampires.

2. What does Harry find on a message pad he took from the Erlanger?
(a) Hilton 1777.
(b) Marriott 4677.
(c) Johnson 1433.
(d) Marriott 2345.

3. Why does Dresden push Fr. Vincent into a car?
(a) Dresden is shot at.
(b) Fr. Vincent angers Dresden.
(c) Dresden thinks Fr. Vincent is someone else.
(d) Dresden is taking him against his will to meet some vampires.

4. Who is Kincaid?
(a) The maintenance man in Harry's apartment building.
(b) A hulking man who knocks on Harry's door.
(c) A spirit of a former pirate.
(d) The Wizard who shows Harry how to created an anti-venom.

5. What does Harry suggest to Murphy?
(a) She not interview the mobster even with Harry along.
(b) She decline to investigate anything about the dead man.
(c) She investigate the death of a man name LaRouche.
(d) She find someone else to go with her to the police ball.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Charity angry at Harry?

2. What does Susan possess?

3. Who does Harry decide to have examine the cell phone?

4. Who does Harry decide to ask to be his second in the duel?

5. What happens when Harry tries to subdue the thing chasing him?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where and with whom does Harry appear in Chapter 1?

2. What does the spirit of Bob the Skull tell Harry?

3. What are Harry's options for weapons in the duel and what does he at first choose?

4. About what is Susan there to warn Harry?

5. What does Karrin Murphy relay to Harry when he arrives back home?

6. Why does Harry turn over the cell phone from the boat to Karrin Murphy?

7. Who calls Harry after he has gone to bed and what does she want?

8. Who is Susan and what does Mortimer say about her?

9. What do Ebenezar McCoy and Harry talk about on the phone?

10. What is a suppression spell and why does Harry have to cast it?

(see the answer keys)

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