Death Masks Test | Final Test - Easy

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death Masks Test | Final Test - Easy

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Harry think casts the spells that attack Harry and Susan as they jump out of the car?
(a) The vampire master.
(b) The White Council.
(c) Ortega.
(d) Nicodemus.

2. What standoff occurs when Shiro arrives?
(a) The threat of death against Harry versus the same against Deirdre.
(b) Between Ortega and Nicodemus.
(c) Between Shiro and Harry.
(d) Between Harry and Ortega.

3. What repels the attack spells?
(a) A strange blue light.
(b) A thick ectoplasm.
(c) Spells of protection that Harry casts.
(d) Another Knight who Harry does not recognize.

4. What appears on Susan's face and body?
(a) A pattern like leaves in green.
(b) A red rash.
(c) Dark tattoos.
(d) Nothing.

5. What does Shiro say is not Harry's fault?
(a) The Shroud being stolen.
(b) Ortega's anger at Harry.
(c) Susan becoming part vampire.
(d) The war between the Red Court and the White Council.

6. What do Harry and Shiro discuss on the way to the meeting?
(a) Assassinating Ortega.
(b) Letting Shiro fight the duel.
(c) Challenging the entire Crimson Court.
(d) Not fighting the duel.

7. How does Harry stop Nicodemus from killing him?
(a) By slicing off Nicodemus' hand.
(b) By grabbing Deirdre and holding her captive.
(c) By grabbing the noose and choking Nicodemus.
(d) By jumping off the train into the river.

8. With what does Harry bind Susan?
(a) Nothing.
(b) An enchanted rope.
(c) A silver cord.
(d) A string of garlic.

9. What does Susan warn Harry to do?
(a) Set up an inner shield.
(b) Find a way to keep her away from him.
(c) Kill her.
(d) Barricade himself in the other room.

10. What is evidence of a spell that hold Susan's vampiric powers and hungers in check?
(a) The tattoos on her body.
(b) Areas of green coloring on her body.
(c) A red aura around her head.
(d) A golden aura around her body.

11. How does Harry push back the demons?
(a) By a magical shield.
(b) With an electrical jolt.
(c) By anti-demon water.
(d) With a fire spell.

12. How do Harry and the others catch up with Nicodemus' train?
(a) They have the train halted and they drive to where it is being held.
(b) Nicodemus has not yet left on a train.
(c) Another train.
(d) Helicopter.

13. What personal fact does Sanya reveal about himself?
(a) He is a half-vampire.
(b) His wife is a Denarian.
(c) He has a child held by the Denarians.
(d) He was once a Denarian.

14. Why is Marcone willing to help bring down Nicodemus?
(a) To insure his supremacy among the demons.
(b) He hates Nicodemus.
(c) To protect his investment in the shroud.
(d) To gain the favor of the Vatican.

15. What does Harry think about when Ortega offers him an option other than dueling?
(a) The fact that he would never be able to have children.
(b) That he could never harm Susan that way.
(c) The respect he would lose among the other wizards.
(d) The monstrous behavior of the Red Court.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where had Michael and Sanya gone on a mission?

2. What does Harry drink in the bathroom?

3. Why does Harry ask Murphy to call in a bomb threat?

4. Who captures Harry?

5. For how long does Shiro agree to stand in for Harry?

(see the answer keys)

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