Death Masks Test | Final Test - Easy

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death Masks Test | Final Test - Easy

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Susan refuse to answer when questioned by Harry?
(a) About the fellowship a demon mentions.
(b) Why she had moved from where he left her.
(c) How she is able to kill the snakelike demon.
(d) How she is able to fight off the car demon.

2. With what does Harry bind Susan?
(a) A string of garlic.
(b) Nothing.
(c) An enchanted rope.
(d) A silver cord.

3. What does Harry theorize about the Denarians and the Shroud?
(a) They learned of the theft of the Shroud and decided to steal it from the original thieves.
(b) They want the Shroud in order to negotiate their release from the third level of hell.
(c) They want the Shroud only because everyone else wants it.
(d) They want to destroy the Shroud so its powers cannot be used against them.

4. What does Harry think about when Ortega offers him an option other than dueling?
(a) That he could never harm Susan that way.
(b) The respect he would lose among the other wizards.
(c) The monstrous behavior of the Red Court.
(d) The fact that he would never be able to have children.

5. What does Susan give Harry to don as they ride to the benefit?
(a) A tux.
(b) A ring.
(c) A necktie.
(d) A pair of spats.

6. For whom is Kincaid acting as proxy?
(a) The White Council.
(b) The Crimson Council.
(c) The Archive.
(d) Ortega.

7. Where did Nicodemus plan a back-up ceremony?
(a) Louisville.
(b) St. Louis.
(c) Memphis.
(d) Detroit.

8. What is evidence of a spell that hold Susan's vampiric powers and hungers in check?
(a) A golden aura around her body.
(b) Areas of green coloring on her body.
(c) A red aura around her head.
(d) The tattoos on her body.

9. What demon does Susan fight?
(a) None.
(b) Nicodemus.
(c) The boat demon.
(d) The car demon.

10. What is the Fellowship?
(a) A group of half-vampires.
(b) A group of humans who seek to become vampires.
(c) A group of vampire fighters.
(d) A group of vampires who are sworn to protect the master vampire.

11. Where is Cassius supposed to meet Nicodemus?
(a) Train station.
(b) Airport.
(c) Regency Hotel.
(d) Ball stadium.

12. Who is now Harry's second for the duel?
(a) Fr. Forthill.
(b) Susan.
(c) Kincaid.
(d) Shivo.

13. Who did Marcone perceive as a rival to the possession of the Shroud?
(a) Forthill.
(b) Harry.
(c) Vincent.
(d) Shivo.

14. Which demon eventually gets Susan?
(a) The snakelike demon.
(b) The boat demon.
(c) The car demon.
(d) The angel demon.

15. What is one thing about which Nicodemus says Harry needs to learn?
(a) His still-alive grandfather.
(b) His mysterious, long-dead parents.
(c) His long-dead daughter.
(d) His missing brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Harry do when he has Susan hanging in the air?

2. What does Cassius refuse to reveal despite threats from Harry?

3. What repels the attack spells?

4. What does Susan notice is not lessening?

5. Who is Thomas?

(see the answer keys)

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