Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park Test | Final Test - Medium

Lee Whittlesey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park Test | Final Test - Medium

Lee Whittlesey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. An accidental shooting occurred on November 15th, 1938 when Robert Leroy 'Pud' Robinson, a thirteen year old son of the Master Mechanic of the park, was playing with a loaded .22 rifle. What happened?
(a) At 5:15 pm, he shot himself in the arm.
(b) At 5:15 pm, he shot his sister in the head.
(c) At 5:15 pm, he shot himself in the head.
(d) At 5:15 pm, he shot his friend in the head.

2. When is the only time Whittlesey will consider sailing on the Lake?
(a) When it is early morning or late night.
(b) When it is late at night.
(c) When it is early in the morning.
(d) When it is in the middle of the day.

3. Many of the earliest deaths in Yellowstone come from what?
(a) Battles between soldiers.
(b) Bear attacks.
(c) Bison attacks.
(d) Battles with Native Americans.

4. Phillip Bassett died on May 1st, 1884 from what?
(a) An unknown poison.
(b) An overdose of morphine.
(c) Stabbing himself.
(d) Shooting himself.

5. Seven have drowned from _______________ and due to falling in the Gardner River.
(a) Iceskating.
(b) Skiing.
(c) Car wrecks.
(d) Wagon wrecks.

Short Answer Questions

1. One death from _______________ occurred when, on August 15th, 1919, Louis Boatman was touring the park with his aunt and sister and decided to swim in the Yellowstone River.

2. Is Yellowstone National Park a visitor's friend?

3. On August 20th, 1883, George Weber started arguing with John Zutavern; they were both employed by the park improvement company and were fighting over what?

4. More people in Yellowstone have died from _________________ than any other single cause of death save those not included in the book.

5. Prevailing winds can produce waves __________________ feet high.

Short Essay Questions

1. How do most drownings occur?

2. What was the 'Grand Tour?' How did this affect the safety of those in the park?

3. How do many visitors enter a park? What can be done to protect these people? How does this affect the park? What does the author have to say about these safety measures?

4. What happened to LeRoy R. Piper? What does the author think about him?

5. What were the causes of the earliest Yellowstone deaths? Why is little known about these deaths?

6. Why did Britton kill Cunningham? Should he have done this? Why or why not?

7. Describe one of the shootings. What does this story reveal about those who were involved in this shooting and about guns?

8. Describe the violent deaths in Yellowstone. What does this reveal about the wild and national parks?

9. How many people have died from carbon monoxide poisoning? How is this relevant to today?

10. Why was Weber pardoned for killing Zutavern? Should he have been pardoned? Why or why not?

(see the answer keys)

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