Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Lee Whittlesey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Lee Whittlesey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park Lesson Plans
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 15-20, Clash of Cultures: Deaths From Indian Battles, A Knockout at Bacon Rind: Deaths From Fights, A Death From Diving, Wild Horses: Deaths From Horse, Wagon, and Stagecoach Incidents, Deaths From Accidental and Self Defense Shootings, Malice in.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Stones on hillsides are not stationary and _____________ deaths have been caused in Yellowstone from falling rocks.
(a) Four to five.
(b) Five to six.
(c) Three to four.
(d) Two to three.

2. The judge for the case wanted what along boardwalks?
(a) Trashcans.
(b) More signs.
(c) Railings.
(d) Emergency phones.

3. Only _______________ hundred of the world's three hundred thousand species of plans have caused death or serious illness to those in the western hemisphere.
(a) Two.
(b) Five.
(c) Eighteen.
(d) Seven.

4. George Wingate caused an avalanche in 1885. Was anyone hurt?
(a) Yes, a few.
(b) No.
(c) Yes, several.
(d) Yes, only one.

5. How did the bear react to Walker's actions?
(a) It charged him.
(b) It growled at him.
(c) It swatted at him.
(d) It ran the opposite direction.

Short Answer Questions

1. What caused most trees to fall down?

2. What is one of these deadly plants?

3. The bear charged Crow and did what?

4. ________________ people have died from falling trees in the park inside of buildings and one outside.

5. The men had foolishly camped near __________________ by the Grand Geyser.

(see the answer key)

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