Death in the Long Grass Test | Final Test - Medium

Peter H. Capstick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death in the Long Grass Test | Final Test - Medium

Peter H. Capstick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do hunters prize a rhino's horn so highly?
(a) It posesses aphrodisiac qualities
(b) They are very rare
(c) They contain oil
(d) Westerners buy them

2. Who does Capstick hunt the crocodile with?
(a) Mason
(b) Bwana
(c) Silent
(d) Regan

3. How do python's kill their prey?
(a) Strike them with their tail
(b) Bite them
(c) Strangle them
(d) Spit at them

4. Who does the black mamba lunge at?
(a) Seymour's wife
(b) Capstick
(c) Seymour
(d) Seymour's child

5. What does Capstick go into his hut to retrieve?
(a) A gun
(b) A knife
(c) A flashlight
(d) Binoculars

Short Answer Questions

1. When are you most likely to see a lot of snakes in Africa?

2. What word does Capstick use to describe most hippo hunting?

3. What part of a black mamba is black?

4. What does Capstick think hunters should provoke before killing a hippo?

5. What are the two primary species of rhino?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Alan Root describe in his article?

2. How do cobra snakes attack their enemies?

3. What do they find inside the crocodile in Chapter 6.

4. Describe the career of J. A. Hunter.

5. Where does Capstick eventually find the snake?

6. Why does Capstick give rhinoceros hunting less attention than other forms of hunting in the book?

7. Why is the rhinoceros so dangerous?

8. Describe the different varieties of mamba snakes.

9. Describe crocodiles.

10. How does Capstick track down the crocodile in Chapter 6?

(see the answer keys)

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