Death in the Long Grass Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter H. Capstick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death in the Long Grass Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter H. Capstick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What reason does Capstick give for killing hippos?
(a) Sporting trophies
(b) Self defense
(c) Boredom
(d) Hunger

2. What kind of snake is a black mamba?
(a) Aboreal
(b) Ground dwelling
(c) Mountain
(d) Water

3. Which of the following snakes is aboreal?
(a) Boomslang
(b) Cobra
(c) Ringhals
(d) Puff adder

4. Where did Capstick's first shot hit the hippo?
(a) The spine
(b) The buttocks
(c) The brain
(d) The heart

5. What does Capstick leave the restroom to retrieve?
(a) His shotgun
(b) His hunting knife
(c) His glasses
(d) His pistol

6. Where do crocodiles catch their prey?
(a) In the water
(b) At the water's edge
(c) In bushes
(d) In caves

7. What part of Joan's body does the hippo bite?
(a) Her buttocks
(b) Her face
(c) Her arm
(d) Her leg

8. What makes it difficult to shoot crocodiles?
(a) Their tough skin
(b) Their fast reflexes
(c) Their well-armored brain
(d) Their small size

9. What kind of snake did Seymour have to avoid when he was out driving with his wife?
(a) Puff adder
(b) Green mamba
(c) Black mamba
(d) Cobra

10. Where is the black mamba hiding itself?
(a) In a rabbit hole
(b) Under floorboards
(c) In a tree
(d) A cave

11. What does Capstick think hunters should provoke before killing a hippo?
(a) Hunger
(b) Thirst
(c) A dominance battle
(d) A charge

12. What does Castick say is the most dangerous snake in Africa?
(a) The Boomslang
(b) The black mamba
(c) The cobra
(d) The puff adder

13. Where do most hippopotamus attacks occur?
(a) In long grass
(b) In villages
(c) On water
(d) In isolated jungle

14. Who replaces Silent on the hunt?
(a) Charlie
(b) David
(c) Invisible
(d) Rogets

15. What word does Capstick use to describe most hippo hunting?
(a) Fun
(b) Boring
(c) Murder
(d) Execution

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Capstick give Rhinoceros hunting less attention than the other types of hunting in the book?

2. What does Capstick say costs $30,000?

3. What is the last thing Mason and Capstick see of the local woman before the crocodile drags her under the water?

4. What are the two primary species of rhino?

5. Who did William K. Olsen volunteer for?

(see the answer keys)

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