Death Du Jour Test | Final Test - Medium

Kathy Reichs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death Du Jour Test | Final Test - Medium

Kathy Reichs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the note in Chapter 21 say?
(a) Next time it won't be a cat.
(b) Thanks for the F.
(c) You don't know what you're doing.
(d) Back off.

2. Where did the victim work at McGill University?
(a) In Jeannotte's office.
(b) In the counseling office.
(c) At the museum.
(d) At the library.

3. In Chapter 35, Brennan tells why Jeannotte went to the compound. What was the reason?
(a) To organize the faithful.
(b) To help her brother.
(c) To protect her students.
(d) To protect her reputation.

4. Why does Brennan wake up suddenly in Chapter 21?
(a) She sensed a threat.
(b) Her cat jumped on her.
(c) Someone touched her.
(d) The phone rang.

5. In Chapter 25, Kathryn tells that Dom does not believe in what?
(a) God.
(b) Anti-christs.
(c) The government.
(d) Satan.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did the old man found at the Texas compound not go with his group to Canada?

2. Where was Jennifer Cannon last seen alive?

3. Why, according to the cult leader, were the twin infants meant to die?

4. Who grabs Brennan as she approaches Harry in Chapter 34?

5. Where do commercially packaged awareness programs sometimes recruit new members?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 20, Kathryn is missing from the group when Ryan and Brennan go to question individuals. Why does Dom say she is absent? What may be the real reason for her disappearance?

2. In Chapter 30, how does Anna know Amalie Provencher? What was their relationship?

3. What is the mood in the beginning of Chapter 33? Give details to support your response.

4. In Chapter 34, what is one internal conflict that Brennan faces? Describe why it is a problem for her.

5. In Chapter 29, why does Ryan think Kathryn is an unreliable source?

6. In Chapter 31, Kit tells that he missed a message from Harry. How did he miss it? What was significant about the message?

7. In Chapter 34, what does Brennan tell Elle that makes Elle angry?

8. In Chapter 32, Ryan updates Brennan on the case. How did the cult members avoid the police?

9. What is the anti-climactic event that happens in Chapter 24? Why is it anti-climatic?

10. In Chapter 22, Brennan visits her friend in the sociology department, Red Skyler. She asks Red questions about cults. What characteristics does Dom have in common with a typical cult leader?

(see the answer keys)

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