Death Du Jour Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kathy Reichs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death Du Jour Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kathy Reichs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 6, what does Brennan put off doing?
(a) Packing for her trip home.
(b) Submitting her report on Sister Elisabeth Nicolet.
(c) Calling her sister.
(d) Submitting her report on the Pelletier baby.

2. What type of emotion does Brennan describe herself as having at the end of Chapter 4?
(a) Despair.
(b) Grief.
(c) Pity.
(d) Anger.

3. What evidence makes Brennan believe that she has the bones of Sister Elisabeth Nicolet?
(a) There is a plaque.
(b) She did a DNA test using bone marrow samples.
(c) The bones have markings that suggest repetitive kneeling.
(d) There is a broken bone where Elisabeth had a known childhood injury.

4. Why type of personality does Harry have?
(a) Defensive.
(b) Flirtatious.
(c) Overbearing.
(d) Shy.

5. In Chapter 12, why does Claudel call Brennan.
(a) To ask her for help.
(b) To ask about Anna Goyette.
(c) To tell her about a case he is working on.
(d) To yell at her for wasting his time.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 10, who arrives unexpectedly at Brennan's office?

2. What is Sam Rayburn's profession?

3. Brennan's friend Mitch describes Dr. Jeannotte as the Professor of Religious Studies and what?

4. What kind of school did Harry and Brennan attend as children?

5. Who finds the body on Murtry Island?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 16, Sam wants Brennan to do something for him. Why her? And why does Brennan not want to do it?

2. In Chapter 13, what types of things does Brennan do to establish boundaries between her ex-husband and herself?

3. Chapter 3 introduces Detective Ryan. What type of relationship do Ryan and Brennan have?

4. In Chapter 18, Brennan and Ryan find a commune on Saint Helena Island. What is suspicious about the behavior they encounter? Give examples.

5. While waiting to go into the basement to look at some remains, Brennan finds the fireman offensive. What does he say and do that makes her uncomfortable? What does this tell you about the type of world Brennan works in?

6. What type of person is Sandy O'Reilly? Is she a reliable character? Give evidence to support your assertions.

7. What suspenseful event happens at the end of Chapter 15 ? What makes it suspenseful? What does it lead to in Chapter 16?

8. The death of the infants in Chapter 7 reveals emotions in all of the characters involved in the case. Brennan also feels strongly about it. How does she explain her emotions?

9. What is ironic about Dr. Jeannotte telling Dr. Brennan that evil people don't exist and that "the myth continues, even here in Montreal, only now there's a new bogeyman practicing ritual child killing" (113)?

10. How does the information that Anna Goyette is Dr. Jeannotte's assistant increase the suspense?

(see the answer keys)

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