Death Du Jour Character Descriptions

Kathy Reichs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death Du Jour Character Descriptions

Kathy Reichs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Dr. Temperance

This character works primarily with bones as an anthropologist.

Detective Andrew Ryan

This attractive character flirts with the narrator, but remains serious about work.


This character accidentally gets involved in a cult.

Kathryn and Carlie

These characters live in a cult, but run away and not take part in a mass suicide.

Professor Daisy Jeannotte

This character has a brother involved in a cult.

Dom Owens and Elle

These characters are charismatic leaders who don't believe in the government and laws of most countries.

Anna Goyette

This character is a teaching assistant with a mood disorder.

Malachy and Mathias

These characters got murdered by a cult because the leader disapproved of their existence.

Sister Julienne

This character asks the narrator for help finding a niece who disappeared.

Sister Elisabeth Nicolet

This character may be declared a saint for helping people with smallpox.

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