Death at La Fenice Test | Final Test - Hard

Donna Leon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death at La Fenice Test | Final Test - Hard

Donna Leon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Clemenza tells Brunetti that Wellauer is guilty of what crime?

2. Which opera is Paola watching on television?

3. Which character presented himself to the man as Hilmar Doerr?

4. What does Brunetti see in the distance when he looks outside?

5. What is the name of the expensive restaurant chosen by Brunetti for a work-related meeting?

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss the scene in which Wellauer's second wife was found. What happened?

2. What is Signora Wellauer's explanation of the injection marks on her husband's body?

3. Brunetti meets with Signore Traverso to discuss Wellauer's behavior on the night of his death. What does Traverso say to Brunetti?

4. What was the nature of Santina's professional relationship with Wellauer? How did the relationship end?

5. Describe the location and condition in which Clemenza Santina lives.

6. What does Brunetti note about Wellauer's datebook? What is the Signora's reaction to Brunetti's questions?

7. Describe at least some of the information Brunetti learns about Lynch's background.

8. What is Brunetti's assessment of the situation? Does it help Lynch and/or Petrelli?

9. Who does Brunetti call with the hopes of getting personal inside information on Wellauer?

10. Discuss the interaction between Brunetti, Dami, and Signorina Antonia.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Maestro Helmut Wellauer was a world renowned conductor and musician. Study the job of a conductor. Why is being a conductor much more difficult than being a music director or musician? What special training is involved? Do you think Wellauer's job was the most important in the orchestra? Explain. What might happen if there had not been a replacement conductor in the theater? Would the performance continue? Who would decide how to handle the situation? Also explain the important relationship between Wellauer, the musicians, stagehands, and actors.

Essay Topic 2

In at least two cases, Leon focuses on the loyalty of family and loved ones. Why is the topic important? Who is affected and why? How intense is loyalty regarding Clemenza Santina, Brett Lynch, Flavia Petrelli, Paola and her parents? Explain how loyalty plays a large part in the lives of these and other characters. How might the story be different if the loyalty was not such a strong element? Explain.

Essay Topic 3

Chiara Brunetti is the fourteen-year-old daughter of Guido Brunetti and Paola Falier. Chiara and her father are very close and often play-act, although it annoys Paola. Examine Chiara's relationship with her father. How does the girl feel about having a professoressa as a mother and the commissario of police as a father? How does Brunetti's work affect Chiara? What type of decisions might Chiara make due to her father's profession? Do you think the relationship would cause Chiara to go into law enforcement or to rebel? Explain.

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