Death at La Fenice Test | Final Test - Medium

Donna Leon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death at La Fenice Test | Final Test - Medium

Donna Leon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first name of Brunetti's friend Signorina Narasconi?
(a) Janet.
(b) Elizabetta.
(c) Michele.
(d) Livia.

2. What time did the person call Brunetti?
(a) 3:00 am.
(b) 1:00 am.
(c) 2:00 am.
(d) 4:00 am.

3. Where did Santina meet Wellauer?
(a) England.
(b) Germany.
(c) Switzerland.
(d) Italy.

4. What board game is played by the Brunettis in the evening?
(a) Life.
(b) Trivial Pursuit.
(c) Cranium.
(d) Monopoly.

5. What item does the signorina threaten to withhold if Dami does not finish his meal?
(a) Salad.
(b) Gelato.
(c) Tiramisu.
(d) Coffee.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Lynch work when she is not in Italy?

2. What item does the daughter ask her father to buy?

3. What caused the death of Clemenza's sister?

4. Which of the following was not in Santina's singing group?

5. What kind of sandwich does Brunetti make for himself?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is on the television when Brunetti arrives at home? What is the conversation Brunetti has with Chiara?

2. Describe at least some of the information Brunetti learns about Lynch's background.

3. Describe the location and condition in which Clemenza Santina lives.

4. What became of Santina's sisters?

5. What does Brunetti note about Wellauer's datebook? What is the Signora's reaction to Brunetti's questions?

6. Lynch calls Brunetti at home, extremely upset. What is Lynch's problem?

7. Who does Brunetti call with the hopes of getting personal inside information on Wellauer?

8. What is Erich Steinbrunner's occupation? What does Brunetti learn from the conversation with Erich Steinbrunner?

9. What is Brunetti's response to Paola's questions about Petrelli being a likely candidate for Wellauer's murder?

10. What is Signora Wellauer's explanation of the injection marks on her husband's body?

(see the answer keys)

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