Death and Judgment Test | Final Test - Hard

Donna Leon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death and Judgment Test | Final Test - Hard

Donna Leon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom was the new partner having a romantic affair?

2. The men meet to discuss the possible relationship between which two characters?

3. Brunetti pays a visit to a man in which profession?

4. Who eventually became a partner in Trevisan's law practice?

5. No one seems to stand out to the men except for two people at the bar. Who are they?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Brunetti switch tactics when the pimp refuses to cooperate?

2. How does Brunetti act when meeting the prostitute? What is the purpose of the act?

3. How does Ceroni answer Brunetti's question? Is she linked with Favero? If so, how?

4. What is Franco able to tell Brunetti about his contact? How do they communicate?

5. What does the prostitute tell Brunetti?

6. What is the logical conclusion that could be drawn regarding Martucci's motives to kill Trevisan?

7. How do the men manage to keep their cover from the first minute they meet?

8. What piece of evidence is Brunetti finally able to get? What information does it provide?

9. What does Brunetti add about terrorism and how it might affect the pimp?

10. Who is the next murder victim? Where is the body found? What was the cause of death?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Brunetti does not always follow the rules, however he is adept at getting results. One way in which Brunetti may have broken the rules is by lying to or coercing the interviewees and suspects. Examine Brunetti's interview and investigation techniques. Which are questionable? What is the punishment for improper methods? What might Patta do if he found out about Brunetti's methods? How did Brunetti handle the pimp and the prostitute?

Essay Topic 2

Various districts of the carabinieri are involved in the story, from the police in Tarvisio to Brunetti's Questura in Venice. Examine the use of various police districts and their related offices. What offices and districts were involved? Who is in charge of the entire investigation? Is it difficult to get cooperation from other agencies? How does the connection help or hinder Brunetti's case? What might make it easier for other districts and agencies to work together? What kind of authority would Patta have to help Brunetti and the case?

Essay Topic 3

Salvatore Martucci became a partner in Carlo Trevisan's law firm with the aim of becoming a partner. Examine Martucci's agreement with Trevisan. What happened? How did Martucci become involved in the practice? Why did Brunetti see Martucci as a potential suspect? What was Martucci's relationship the Trevisans, Ubaldo Lotto and Rino Favero? Did Martucci do anything illegal or unethical?

(see the answer keys)

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