Dearly Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dearly Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the speaker not realize how good things were in the poem "Salt"?
(a) She was too busy worrying.
(b) She was too sleepy.
(c) She was too ill.
(d) She was working too hard.

2. What does the speaker ask if one of the sisters is hunting in Part 5 of the poem "Songs For Murdered Sisters"?
(a) Her murderer.
(b) Her soul.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Her own sister.

3. What does the cat do in the poem "Ghost Cat"?
(a) Claws at the bedroom door waiting to be let in.
(b) Eats too much tuna.
(c) Refuses to drink even milk.
(d) Kills the fish in the tank.

4. What word does the speaker in the poem "September Mushrooms" imagine the mushrooms sent up before they withered?
(a) Hail!
(b) Glory.
(c) Beware.
(d) Mercy.

5. Which of the speaker's cats was smart enough to evade the vet in the poem "Ghost Cat"?
(a) The calico.
(b) The tabby one.
(c) The black one.
(d) The white one.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Atwood compare the subject of the poem "Blizzard" to?

2. What kind of flowers are in the painting in the poem "A Genre Painting"?

3. How is the woman in the painting looking out of it in "A Genre Painting"?

4. Who has killed so many sisters over the years in Part 6 of the poem "Songs For Murdered Sisters"?

5. What question does the speaker wonder about her dead sister in Part 7 of the poem "Songs For Murdered Sisters"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are some contradictions about cicadas in the poem by the same title?

2. What would be the advantage to slugs reproducing by bud or spore, according to Atwood in "Double-Entry Slug Sex"?

3. What does Atwood compare "late poems" to in the poem by the same title?

4. In the poem "Frida Kahlo, San Miguel, Ash Wednesday," where does Frida Kahlo live on?

5. Why do people carve jack-o-lanterns in the poem "Carving the Jacks"?

6. Why does the speaker implore people to keep their clothes on in the poem "Everyone Else's Sex Life"?

7. In the poem "Salt," what does Atwood warn will happen if one spends too much time in the past?

8. In the poem "Aflame," what is happening to the world?

9. What happens when the Tin Woodwoman gets a massage in the poem by the same name?

10. What does the speaker in "Everyone Else's Sex Life" think about everyone else's sex life?

(see the answer keys)

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