Dearly Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dearly Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do people give others souvenirs from vacations in the poem "Souvenir"?
(a) So they can decorate their homes.
(b) So they will want to travel too.
(c) So they can call the spirits.
(d) So the receiver can remember them.

2. What happens to Cassandra's hometown in the poem "Cassandra Considers Declining the Gift"?
(a) It is swept away in a flood.
(b) It is struck by lightening.
(c) It burns down.
(d) It flourishes.

3. What does the speaker say about most poems in the poem "Late Poems"?
(a) Most poems are from the future.
(b) Most poems are early.
(c) Most poems are late.
(d) Most poems are sad.

4. Which of the following comparisons does Atwood use for late poems in the poem "Late Poems"?
(a) Being late for supper.
(b) Being late for a communion.
(c) Being late for a wedding.
(d) Being late for a funeral.

5. What does Atwood compare the subject of the poem "Blizzard" to?
(a) A deer.
(b) A snow leopard.
(c) A diamond.
(d) A diver plunged into a dangerous cave.

6. What is caught in the glare of your stare in the poem "Betrayal"?
(a) The sunrise.
(b) The cat.
(c) Your child.
(d) Gauche flesh.

7. What was standing there when the door was opened in Part 3 of the poem "Songs For Murdered Sisters"?
(a) Life.
(b) Death.
(c) Sunset.
(d) Desire.

8. What does everyone else's sex life seem like in the poem "Everyone Else's Sex Life"?
(a) Trying.
(b) Fancy.
(c) Calm.
(d) Impossible.

9. What does Atwood compare late poems to in the poem "Late Poems"?
(a) An old friend.
(b) The past.
(c) A letter from a sailor that arrives after he has drowned.
(d) A cat.

10. Why does the speaker in the poem "September Mushrooms" miss the mushrooms again this year?
(a) She was scared of the mushrooms.
(b) She had just lost her home in a flood.
(c) She was ill.
(d) She was immersed elsewhere.

11. What is silk best for in the poem "Princess Clothing"?
(a) Dresses.
(b) Sheets.
(c) Shrouds.
(d) Towels.

12. How is the woman in the painting looking out of it in "A Genre Painting"?
(a) Through a glare.
(b) Scheming.
(c) Aslant.
(d) Through lowered lids.

13. What question does the speaker wonder about her dead sister in Part 7 of the poem "Songs For Murdered Sisters"?
(a) If the dead sister's soul is at peace.
(b) If the dead sister would forgive her murderer or not.
(c) If the dead sister wanted to have children.
(d) If the dead sister will live on in dreams.

14. What does Atwood compare being in love to in "Everyone Else's Sex Life"?
(a) A demented rose-red circus tent.
(b) An expensive house.
(c) A pool.
(d) A really good movie.

15. What kind of flowers are in the painting in the poem "A Genre Painting"?
(a) Daisies.
(b) Tulips.
(c) Violets.
(d) Roses.

Short Answer Questions

1. What defines cotton in the poem "Princess Clothing"?

2. Which of the speaker's cats was smart enough to evade the vet in the poem "Ghost Cat"?

3. What color does Cassandra want to dye her hair in the poem "Cassandra Considers Declining the Gift"?

4. What happens if one "looks behind" in the poem "Salt"?

5. What do the speaker's passports photos remind her of in the poem "Passports"?

(see the answer keys)

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