Dear Mr. Henshaw Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dear Mr. Henshaw Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Leigh say he and his mom used to scoop up the mashed potatoes and gravy with their dinner in his February 5 diary entry?
(a) An ice cream cone.
(b) Chicken bones.
(c) Their fingers.
(d) Sporks.

2. What does Barry never use when he constructs his models?
(a) Glue.
(b) Scissors.
(c) Instructions.
(d) Pliers.

3. Leigh asks the man who works at the gas station by his house what is in the box that says “Alarm System” on the station. What is the gas station attendant’s reply?
(a) “Wiring and a sound system.”
(b) “A cell phone magnet and a bell.”
(c) “Batteries and a bell.”
(d) “A hamster on a wheel.”

4. Where does Barry say he’d like to install an alarm after Leigh’s lunchbox success?
(a) On his diary.
(b) On his bedroom door.
(c) On his lunchbox.
(d) On his bike.

5. In his February 28 letter to Mr. Henshaw, Leigh writes, “I think you are right. Maybe I am not ready to” what?
(a) “Forgive my dad.”
(b) “Be a poet.”
(c) “Write a story.”
(d) “Ask for forgiveness.”

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Leigh describe on the sign where the butterflies gather in his February 7 diary entry?

2. What does Leigh say he’s decided to save the money his dad sent him for in his February 9 diary entry?

3. What book does Leigh say he bought at a garage sale in his February 28 letter to Mr. Henshaw?

4. What class does Leigh say he left to go to the bathroom because he was so mad about his lunch in his February 6 diary entry?

5. Who intercepted Leigh when he was about to drop-kick a lunch bag, according to his February 6 diary entry?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why are there babies in Leigh’s room when he writes his diary entry on February 2?

2. Who do you think is symbolized by the protagonist in Leigh’s story “The Ten-Foot Wax Man”?

3. What is the tone of Leigh’s diary entries from January 31 and February 1?

4. How does Leigh describe the butterflies when he first sees them in his February 7 diary entry?

5. What worries consume Leigh about his dad in his January 30 diary entry?

6. How do Leigh’s diary entries change on February 6? What does Leigh relate in this entry?

7. What does Leigh relate to Mr. Henshaw about his diary in his letter from January 12?

8. With what passionate line does Leigh begin his diary entry on February 4? What drives this passion?

9. What does Leigh tell Mr. Henshaw about the writing competition in his letter from January 19?

10. What frustrations does Leigh vent in his diary on January 20?

(see the answer keys)

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