Dear Mr. Henshaw Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dear Mr. Henshaw Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color is the beat-up lunchbox that Leigh buys to take to school?
(a) Black.
(b) Blue.
(c) Red.
(d) Green.

2. Where does Leigh say he and his mother ate their dinner in his February 5 diary entry?
(a) At the truck stop.
(b) By the ocean.
(c) At the mobile home park.
(d) By the butterfly tree.

3. In his January 15 letter to Mr. Henshaw, Leigh writes that he finished Beggar Bears in how much time?
(a) 1 week.
(b) 2 weeks.
(c) 3 nights.
(d) 2 nights.

4. Who does Leigh say he and his mom used to scoop up the mashed potatoes and gravy with their dinner in his February 5 diary entry?
(a) Their fingers.
(b) Chicken bones.
(c) An ice cream cone.
(d) Sporks.

5. What does Barry never use when he constructs his models?
(a) Pliers.
(b) Glue.
(c) Instructions.
(d) Scissors.

6. In his letter to Mr. Henshaw on February 15, Leigh writes to ask for help with what?
(a) An ending for his story.
(b) ow to make an alarm.
(c) Learning to write in a diary.
(d) An author report.

7. Why do Barry and Leigh end up not making an alarm when Leigh first comes over to Barry’s house?
(a) Barry has the wrong kind of battery.
(b) Barry’s mom forbids them to.
(c) Barry doesn’t have a bell.
(d) Barry decides he doesn’t want to.

8. What does “CB” stand for in “CB radio”?
(a) Citizens’ Band.
(b) Control Basis.
(c) Compact Band.
(d) Contract Basis.

9. What book does Leigh say he bought at a garage sale in his February 28 letter to Mr. Henshaw?
(a) Moose on Toast.
(b) Beggar Bears.
(c) Ways to Amuse a Dog.
(d) The Cat in the Hat.

10. What does Leigh describe white bread as tasting like in his March 15 diary entry?
(a) Potatoes.
(b) Dirt.
(c) Broccoli.
(d) Kleenex.

11. Who suggests taping a cardboard shelf in Leigh’s lunchbox so his sandwich won’t muffle the alarm?
(a) Miss Neely.
(b) Leigh’s dad.
(c) Mr. Henshaw.
(d) Leigh’s mom.

12. Leigh says in his January 30 diary entry that his mother told him that she rode with Leigh’s father until when?
(a) His sister was born.
(b) They got divorced.
(c) They got married.
(d) He was born.

13. How does Leigh address his diary entries for most of the novel?
(a) “Dear Mr. Pretend Henshaw.”
(b) “Dear Journal of Leigh Botts.”
(c) “Dear Diary.”
(d) “Dear Unnamed Notebook.”

14. It becomes apparent in Leigh’s March 15 diary entry that he has gained a sense of what?
(a) Telepathy.
(b) Virtuosity.
(c) Empathy.
(d) Urgency.

15. What new vocabulary word does Leigh use to mean “to print” in his letter to Mr. Henshaw on January 19?
(a) Mimeograph.
(b) Replicate.
(c) Photograph.
(d) Duplicate.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much money does Leigh say was included in his letter from his dad in his February 9 diary entry?

2. What does Leigh recall his dad saying society was ruining in his diary entry from February 2?

3. Leigh says in his January 12 letter to Mr. Henshaw that he is on what page of Beggar Bears?

4. In his March 1 diary entry, Leigh writes that he had to buy a new notebook for his diary for what reason?

5. What does Leigh say he is filled with due to his father’s failure to call him in his January 31 diary entry?

(see the answer keys)

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