Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the magnificent thing that Ijeawele has done at the start of the letter?
(a) Ijeawele has left her husband who was unfaithful
(b) Ijeawele has brought a feminist into the world.
(c) Ijeawele has asked for advice.
(d) Ijeawele has brought a human being in the world.

2. What is Suggestion 1?
(a) Be a full person.
(b) Being a mother is the most important part of being a feminist.
(c) Define yourself by motherhood.
(d) Motherhood is a glorious experience.

3. What does Adichie decide to do as a response to Ijeawele's request in the Introduction?
(a) Adichie decides to speak with Ijeawele's daughter.
(b) Adichie decides to write a letter.
(c) Adichie decides to write a book.
(d) Adichie decides to speak with Ijeawele.

4. As mentioned in Suggestion 3, what idea needs to be questioned as far as women's roles in marriage?
(a) The idea that women are prizes.
(b) The idea that women are caretakers.
(c) The idea that women must agree with their husbands on matters of finance.
(d) The idea that women are mothers.

5. Why is it important that Chizalum reject gender roles from the beginning as stated in Suggestion 3?
(a) Gender roles cannot be unlearned, and Chizalum will carry them with her forever.
(b) Gender roles are insidious, and girls do not have the proper tools to decipher how dangerous they are.
(c) Gender roles are all over in the media, and girls are easily swayed to believe what they see.
(d) Gender roles are deeply conditioned, and it is difficult to unlearn them.

6. How does Adichie initially feel about her friend's request for advice?
(a) Adichie feels that it is too difficult to explain.
(b) Adichie feels that it is too huge of a task.
(c) Adichie feels that her friend should already know the answer.
(d) Adichie feels that she is the best person to ask.

7. In Suggestion 1, what piece of advice does the pioneering journalist, Marlene Sanders, give?
(a) Sanders says, "Never apologize for working. You love what you do, and loving what you do is a great gift to give to your child."
(b) Sanders says, "You don't even have to love your job; merely love what your job does for you."
(c) Sanders says, "Please reject the idea that motherhood and work are mutually exclusive."
(d) Sanders says, "Everybody will have an opinion about what you should do, but what matters most is what you want for yourself."

8. Suggestion 3 presents what overarching idea at the start?
(a) The idea that parenting is not related to gender roles.
(b) The idea that gender inequality historically is becoming better and more equal.
(c) The idea that gender roles are absolute nonsense.
(d) The idea that gender roles serve a certain purpose at times.

9. Why does it matter what Ijeawele says to her child in Suggestion 6?
(a) Chizalum will use those same words later.
(b) What Ijeawele say tells her what is good or bad.
(c) Chizalum will learn what is most important.
(d) What Ijeawele say teaches Chizalum what she needs to value.

10. How old is Ijeawele's daughter when Adichie writes her letter?
(a) 1 week.
(b) 6 months.
(c) 1 year.
(d) 1 month.

11. If a husband is not a headmaster according to Adichie, what is a wife not?
(a) A mother.
(b) A schoolgirl.
(c) A maid.
(d) A student.

12. At the end of Suggestion 1, Adichie says that we should be asking a certain question of parents. What is that question?
(a) How to best support fathers in their new roles as equal parents.
(b) How to best support parents in their combined duties at work and home.
(c) How to best support mothers in the workforce.
(d) How to best support children growing up to be functioning adults.

13. How are boys' toys different from girls' in Suggestion 3?
(a) Toys for boys are active and involve some sort of doing; girls are passive and mostly dolls.
(b) Toys for boys are made from wood and metal; toys for girls are plastic or soft.
(c) Toys for boys are active and engaging; girls have some active toys, but they are not provided with many options.
(d) Toys for boys are blue; girls get pink toys.

14. Adichie identifies two "Feminist Tools" for Ijeawele to consider. What are they?
(a) Women matter equally, and can you reverse notions that are appropriate for both genders.
(b) Women must be treated equally, and men are not superior.
(c) Women need a voice and a space to be heard.
(d) Women matter equally, and feminist voice is very important.

15. In relation to education, Adichie says that Chizalum would be more knowledgable if she did what?
(a) Work hard at school and read newspapers.
(b) Go to a good school and complete all assignments.
(c) Not go to school and just research online.
(d) Not go to school and just read books.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Adichie say about her views on feminism to Ijeawele at the start of her Letter?

2. What should Ijeawele do if Chizalum will not read, according to Adichie?

3. Why does Adichie think that the word "allowed" is so offensive in Suggestion 4?

4. What is this book a version of?

5. What is the better alternative to saying, "Don't you know you're old enough to find a husband?" (27)?

(see the answer keys)

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