Dear Edward Test | Final Test - Easy

Ann Napolitano
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Dear Edward Test | Final Test - Easy

Ann Napolitano
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Principal Arundhi give to Edward in Part IV?
(a) His dog.
(b) His kangaroo paw fern.
(c) His cat.
(d) His prized orchid.

2. What does the security guard who escorts Edward and John into the hearing say to Edward?
(a) He tells Edward his mother was also on the plane.
(b) He tells Edward he must be supernatural to have survived the crash.
(c) He tells Edward he is probably also bullet-proof.
(d) He tells Edward it was bad-ass surviving the crash.

3. What do Jordan's clothes eventually begin to smell like in Part III?
(a) Cologne.
(b) Lacey's laundry detergent.
(c) Edward.
(d) Mold.

4. In Part III, what does Crispin think he should have done when his kids were young?
(a) Gone to their weddings.
(b) Gone to their graduations.
(c) Given them more things.
(d) Taken them camping when they asked.

5. What does Edward tell Shay about that he says disproves her claim that he is less likely to get in a plane crash again?
(a) The law of thirds.
(b) The gambler's fallacy.
(c) The availability heuristic.
(d) The hot hand.

6. What does Lacey tell Edward about his mother's dream project?
(a) She wanted to write a movie of her own for years.
(b) She wanted to switch to writing poetry.
(c) She wanted to change careers and become a teacher.
(d) She wanted to write a novel.

7. What happens on the plane just as the doctor examines Crispin?
(a) It sways dangerously.
(b) One of its engines fails.
(c) A wing cracks off.
(d) Smoke fills the cabin.

8. Where did Crispin grow up?
(a) Ohio.
(b) California.
(c) Maine.
(d) Holland.

9. How much money will most of the other families of the victims of the plane crash besides Edward receive?
(a) $2 million.
(b) $5 million.
(c) $1 million.
(d) $100,000.

10. What does Lacey wear to her job interview in Part III?
(a) One of Jane's favorite pairs of earrings.
(b) One of Jane's favorite necklaces.
(c) One of Jane's favorite blouses.
(d) One of Jane's favorite pins.

11. Who does Florida tell Linda had been a dear friend of hers in a past life?
(a) Marie Curie.
(b) Cleopatra.
(c) George Eliot.
(d) Marie Antoinette.

12. Who gives Edward millions of dollars in a check in the letter he sends to Edward?
(a) Jax Lassio.
(b) Gary.
(c) Louis.
(d) Harrison Cox.

13. What does Principal Arundhi tell Edward to do "when in doubt"?
(a) Visit friends.
(b) Play piano.
(c) Read books.
(d) Plant a garden.

14. What does Edward have trouble with in the car that takes him and his uncle back to their own car after the hearing?
(a) Fastening his seat belt.
(b) Finding his sunglasses.
(c) Remembering why they are in Washington D.C.
(d) Hearing the radio.

15. Why do Edward and Shay have to wait to open the duffel bags in the garage until after Christmas?
(a) Besa has insisted on spending every night with Shay.
(b) Shay has a lot of parties to go to.
(c) Shay has to go visit her grandmother.
(d) Besa is up very late around the holidays so Shay can not sneak out of the house late at night.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Principal Arundhi suggest Edward could do rather than participate in a group gym class?

2. What does Edward have to do in Part III in school that he dreads?

3. What does Mrs. Tuhane tell Edward about his weight lifting?

4. What book is Jordan reading on the plane?

5. What does Lacey get wrong about Edward's birthday cake?

(see the answer keys)

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