Dear Edward Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ann Napolitano
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Dear Edward Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ann Napolitano
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the uncle Edward goes to live with after the crash?
(a) Mike.
(b) Mark.
(c) Max.
(d) John.

2. How does Benjamin's fight with Gavin start?
(a) Gavin insults Benjamin's mother.
(b) Benjamin gets angry when Gavin insists Benjamin sighed and Benjamin insists he did not.
(c) Gavin steals from Benjamin.
(d) Benjamin misplaces Gavin's rifle.

3. Who calls Edward in the hospital in a phone call that takes special arranging?
(a) The family of the pilot of the plane.
(b) The President of the United States.
(c) His grandmother.
(d) His teacher.

4. What color is Jordan's winter coat in the picture Edward finds of him online in Part II?
(a) Yellow.
(b) Black.
(c) Bright orange.
(d) Blue.

5. What does Principal Arundhi ask Edward to help him with?
(a) Taking care of his plants.
(b) Making posters.
(c) Creating an anti-bullying campaign.
(d) Managing the budget.

6. Who approaches Edward in Part II to ask about someone who died in the crash?
(a) Everton.
(b) Jax.
(c) Mrs. Cox.
(d) Gary.

7. What does Jordan refuse to do in the airport in Part I?
(a) Go through the regular security scanner.
(b) Have his temperature taken.
(c) Open his suitcase so the officers can look through it.
(d) Take his shoes off.

8. What does Jordan ask his mother to do for him from first class on the plane?
(a) Save him some champagne.
(b) Give him her dessert.
(c) Save him the menu.
(d) Share her hot towels with him.

9. What reason does Shay tell Edward her mother gave her for why her father married her mother?
(a) He did not want to say no when she asked him to marry her.
(b) He had to marry her because she was pregnant.
(c) He only married her to make his family angry, because they did not want him to marry a Mexican.
(d) He loved her.

10. Who is Edward's therapist?
(a) Dr. Bright.
(b) Dr. Mike.
(c) Dr. Jarbin.
(d) Dr. Sal.

11. Why does Jane Adler sit in first class on the plane, separate from her family?
(a) She has always flown first class and refuses to sit in economy.
(b) She was upgraded to first class at the last minute and did not feel she could refuse the treat for herself.
(c) Her best friend bought her a ticket for first class.
(d) She needs to finish writing a script.

12. What has Linda Stollen just told her father that made her father laugh at her?
(a) She is getting married.
(b) She is moving abroad.
(c) She will never ask him for money again.
(d) She is getting two jobs to support herself.

13. What has Jane often told Bruce about what she thinks about his career during fights they have had?
(a) He should switch careers.
(b) He should push harder in his career.
(c) He should encourage their children to go into his field.
(d) He should take time off from his career.

14. What town does Edward move to to live with his aunt and uncle?
(a) North Orange.
(b) West Milford.
(c) Westchester.
(d) Stroudsburg.

15. What is Jordan's favorite candy?
(a) Sour Patch Kids.
(b) Twix.
(c) Snickers.
(d) Cow tails.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Edward immediately begin sleeping when he moves into his aunt and uncle's house?

2. Who is one of the two neighbors who live next door to Edward's aunt and uncle?

3. What ex-wife does Crispin Cox think of repeatedly on the plane in Part I?

4. Who is Linda's boyfriend she is meeting in California?

5. Why is the school drop-off and pick-up line much more crowded the first day Edward attends school in Part II?

(see the answer keys)

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